a class foo href data name John Click me a link href https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs font awesome 6 2 1 css all min css link rel stylesheet href netdna bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 3 2 css bootstrap min css script src cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery 1 11 3 jquery min js script script src cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextify 1 0 8 jquery contextify min js script script var options items header Options text First Link href text Second Link onclick function e alert Hello e data name divider true text Stuff href var options2 title Some title items label Item 1 icon icon1 png action function alert hi label Item 2 icon icon2 png action function alert yo null divider label Item 3 icon icon3 png action function alert bye isEnabled function return false foo contextify options script br style body min height 500px style div class demo Demo div script demo contextify items text b X b abc icon https notebook xbdev net var images test512 png onclick function console log hi menuId contextify menu script style body min height 500px style script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery 3 3 1 jquery min js script link rel stylesheet href https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery contextMenu min css script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery contextMenu min js script script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery ui position js script ul id the node li span class context menu one btn btn neutral right click me 1 span li li span class context menu one btn btn neutral right click me 2 span li li right click me 3 li li right click me 4 li ul script function the node contextMenu selector li callback function key options var m clicked key on this text window console console log m alert m items edit name Edit icon edit cut name Cut icon cut copy name Copy icon copy paste name Paste icon paste delete name Delete icon delete sep1 quit name Quit icon function element key item return context menu icon context menu icon quit script style body min height 500px style script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery 3 3 1 jquery min js script link rel stylesheet href https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery contextMenu min css script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery contextMenu min js script script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery ui position js script span class context menu one btn btn neutral right click me span script function Context Menu with Sub Menu contextMenu selector context menu one callback function key options var m clicked key window console console log m alert m items edit name Edit icon edit cut name Cut icon cut sep1 quit name Quit icon quit sep2 fold1 name Sub group items fold1 key1 name Foo bar fold2 name Sub group 2 items fold2 key1 name alpha fold2 key2 name bravo fold2 key3 name charlie fold1 key3 name delta fold1a name Other group items fold1a key1 name echo fold1a key2 name foxtrot fold1a key3 name golf script
it name Edit icon edit cut name Cut icon cut copy name Copy icon copy paste name Paste icon paste delete name Delete icon delete sep1 quit name Quit icon function element key item return context menu icon context menu icon quit script style body min height 500px style script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery 3 3 1 jquery min js script link rel stylesheet href https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery contextMenu min css script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery contextMenu min js script script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs jquery contextmenu 2 7 1 jquery ui position js script span class context menu one btn btn neutral right click me span script function Context Menu with Sub Menu contextMenu selector context menu one callback function key options var m clicked key window console console log m alert m items edit name Edit icon edit cut name Cut icon cut sep1 quit name Quit icon quit sep2 fold1 name Sub group items fold1 key1 name Foo bar fold2 name Sub group 2 items fold2 key1 name alpha fold2 key2 name bravo fold2 key3 name charlie fold1 key3 name delta fold1a name Other group items fold1a key1 name echo fold1a key2 name foxtrot fold1a key3 name golf script