script src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script script src https cdn jsdelivr net npm d3 selection 3 script script src https cdn jsdelivr net npm d3 transition script script src https d3js org d3 selection multi v1 min js script style body width 960px margin 50px auto path stroke fff path hover opacity 0 9 rect hover fill blue axis font 10px sans serif legend tr border bottom 1px solid grey legend tr first child border top 1px solid grey axis path axis line fill none stroke 000 shape rendering crispEdges x axis path display none legend margin bottom 76px display inline block border collapse collapse border spacing 0px legend td padding 4px 5px vertical align bottom legendFreq legendPerc align right width 50px style body div id dashboard div script function dashboard id fData var barColor steelblue function segColor c return low 807dba mid e08214 high 41ab5d c compute total for each state fData forEach function d d total d freq low d freq mid d freq high function to handle histogram function histoGram fD var hG hGDim t 60 r 0 b 30 l 0 hGDim w 500 hGDim l hGDim r hGDim h 300 hGDim t hGDim b create svg for histogram var hGsvg d3 select id append svg attr width hGDim w hGDim l hGDim r attr height hGDim h hGDim t hGDim b append g attr transform translate hGDim l hGDim t var x d3 scaleBand domain fD map function d return d 0 range 0 hGDim w padding 0 3 Add x axis to the histogram svg var xxx d3 scaleLinear domain 0 100 This is what is written on the Axis from 0 to 100 range 100 800 This is where the axis is placed from 100px to 800px hGsvg append g attr class x axis attr transform translate 0 hGDim h call d3 axisBottom x Create function for y axis map d3 scaleLinear var y d3 scaleLinear range hGDim h 0 domain 0 d3 max fD function d return d 1 Create bars for histogram to contain rectangles and freq labels var bars hGsvg selectAll bar data fD enter append g attr class bar create the rectangles bars append rect attr x function d return x d 0 attr y function d return y d 1 attr width x rangeBand attr width x bandwidth attr height function d return hGDim h y d 1 attr fill barColor on mouseover d ii mouseover d ii mouseover is defined below on mouseout mouseout mouseout is defined below Create the frequency labels above the rectangles bars append text text function d return d3 format d 1 attr x function d return x d 0 x rangeBand 2 attr x function d return x d 0 x bandwidth 2 attr y function d return y d 1 5 attr text anchor middle function mouseover e ii utility function to be called on mouseover filter for selected state var st fData filter function s return s State ii 0 0 var nD d3 keys st freq map function s return type s freq st freq s var nD Object keys st freq map function s return type s freq st freq s call update functions of pie chart and legend pC update nD leg update nD function mouseout d utility function to be called on mouseout reset the pie chart and legend pC update tF leg update tF create function to update the bars This will be used by pie chart hG update function nD color update the domain of the y axis map to reflect change in frequencies y domain 0 d3 max nD function d return d 1 Attach the new data to the bars var bars hGsvg selectAll bar data nD transition the height and color of rectangles bars select rect transition duration 500 attr y function d return y d 1 attr height function d return hGDim h y d 1 attr fill color transition the frequency labels location and change value bars select text transition duration 500 text function d return d3 format d 1 attr y function d return y d 1 5 return hG function to handle pieChart function pieChart pD var pC pieDim w 250 h 250 pieDim r Math min pieDim w pieDim h 2 create svg for pie chart var piesvg d3 select id append svg attr width pieDim w attr height pieDim h append g attr transform translate pieDim w 2 pieDim h 2 create function to draw the arcs of the pie slices var arc d3 arc outerRadius pieDim r 10 innerRadius 0 create a function to compute the pie slice angles var pie d3 pie sort null value function d return d freq Draw the pie slices piesvg selectAll path data pie pD enter append path attr d arc each function d this _current d style fill function d return segColor d data type on mouseover d ii mouseover d ii pD on mouseout d ii mouseout d ii pD create function to update pie chart This will be used by histogram pC update function nD piesvg selectAll path data pie nD transition duration 500 attrTween d arcTween Utility function to be called on mouseover a pie slice function mouseover d ii e call the update function of histogram with new data hG update fData map function v return v State v freq ii data type segColor ii data type Utility function to be called on mouseout a pie slice function mouseout d ii e call the update function of histogram with all data hG update fData map function v return v State v total barColor Animating the pie slice requiring a custom function which specifies how the intermediate paths should be drawn function arcTween a var i d3 interpolate this _current a this _current i 0 return function t return arc i t return pC function to handle legend function legend lD var leg create table for legend var legend d3 select id append table attr class legend create one row per segment var tr legend append tbody selectAll tr data lD enter append tr create the first column for each segment tr append td append svg attr width 16 attr height 16 append rect attr width 16 attr height 16 attr fill function d return segColor d type create the second column for each segment tr append td text function d return d type create the third column for each segment tr append td attr class legendFreq text function d return d3 format d freq create the fourth column for each segment tr append td attr class legendPerc text function d return getLegend d lD Utility function to be used to update the legend leg update function nD update the data attached to the row elements var l legend select tbody selectAll tr data nD update the frequencies l select legendFreq text function d return d3 format d freq update the percentage column l select legendPerc text function d return getLegend d nD function getLegend d aD Utility function to compute percentage return d3 format d freq d3 sum aD map function v return v freq return leg calculate total frequency by segment for all state var tF low mid high map function d return type d freq d3 sum fData map function t return t freq d calculate total frequency by state for all segment var sF fData map function d return d State d total var hG histoGram sF create the histogram pC pieChart tF create the pie chart leg legend tF create the legend script script var freqData State AL freq low 4786 mid 1319 high 249 State AZ freq low 1101 mid 412 high 674 State CT freq low 932 mid 2149 high 418 State DE freq low 832 mid 1152 high 1862 State FL freq low 4481 mid 3304 high 948 State GA freq low 1619 mid 167 high 1063 State IA freq low 1819 mid 247 high 1203 State IL freq low 4498 mid 3852 high 942 State IN freq low 797 mid 1849 high 1534 State KS freq low 162 mid 379 high 471 dashboard dashboard freqData script
y d 1 5 return hG function to handle pieChart function pieChart pD var pC pieDim w 250 h 250 pieDim r Math min pieDim w pieDim h 2 create svg for pie chart var piesvg d3 select id append svg attr width pieDim w attr height pieDim h append g attr transform translate pieDim w 2 pieDim h 2 create function to draw the arcs of the pie slices var arc d3 arc outerRadius pieDim r 10 innerRadius 0 create a function to compute the pie slice angles var pie d3 pie sort null value function d return d freq Draw the pie slices piesvg selectAll path data pie pD enter append path attr d arc each function d this _current d style fill function d return segColor d data type on mouseover d ii mouseover d ii pD on mouseout d ii mouseout d ii pD create function to update pie chart This will be used by histogram pC update function nD piesvg selectAll path data pie nD transition duration 500 attrTween d arcTween Utility function to be called on mouseover a pie slice function mouseover d ii e call the update function of histogram with new data hG update fData map function v return v State v freq ii data type segColor ii data type Utility function to be called on mouseout a pie slice function mouseout d ii e call the update function of histogram with all data hG update fData map function v return v State v total barColor Animating the pie slice requiring a custom function which specifies how the intermediate paths should be drawn function arcTween a var i d3 interpolate this _current a this _current i 0 return function t return arc i t return pC function to handle legend function legend lD var leg create table for legend var legend d3 select id append table attr class legend create one row per segment var tr legend append tbody selectAll tr data lD enter append tr create the first column for each segment tr append td append svg attr width 16 attr height 16 append rect attr width 16 attr height 16 attr fill function d return segColor d type create the second column for each segment tr append td text function d return d type create the third column for each segment tr append td attr class legendFreq text function d return d3 format d freq create the fourth column for each segment tr append td attr class legendPerc text function d return getLegend d lD Utility function to be used to update the legend leg update function nD update the data attached to the row elements var l legend select tbody selectAll tr data nD update the frequencies l select legendFreq text function d return d3 format d freq update the percentage column l select legendPerc text function d return getLegend d nD function getLegend d aD Utility function to compute percentage return d3 format d freq d3 sum aD map function v return v freq return leg calculate total frequency by segment for all state var tF low mid high map function d return type d freq d3 sum fData map function t return t freq d calculate total frequency by state for all segment var sF fData map function d return d State d total var hG histoGram sF create the histogram pC pieChart tF create the pie chart leg legend tF create the legend script script var freqData State AL freq low 4786 mid 1319 high 249 State AZ freq low 1101 mid 412 high 674 State CT freq low 932 mid 2149 high 418 State DE freq low 832 mid 1152 high 1862 State FL freq low 4481 mid 3304 high 948 State GA freq low 1619 mid 167 high 1063 State IA freq low 1819 mid 247 high 1203 State IL freq low 4498 mid 3852 high 942 State IN freq low 797 mid 1849 high 1534 State KS freq low 162 mid 379 high 471 dashboard dashboard freqData script