style import url https fonts googleapis com css family Roboto import url https fonts googleapis com css family Handlee body min height 400px margin 40px 0 0 background 91D1D3 font family Roboto sans serif paper position relative width 90 max width 800px min width 400px height 390px margin 0 auto background fafafa border radius 10px box shadow 0 2px 8px rgba 0 0 0 3 overflow hidden paper before content position absolute top 0 bottom 0 left 0 width 60px background radial gradient 575450 6px transparent 7px repeat y background size 30px 30px border right 3px solid D44147 box sizing border box paper content position absolute top 30px right 0 bottom 30px left 60px background linear gradient transparent transparent 28px 91D1D3 28px background size 30px 30px paper content textarea width 100 max width 100 height 100 max height 100 line height 30px padding 0 10px border 0 outline 0 background transparent color mediumblue font family Handlee cursive font weight bold font size 18px box sizing border box z index 1 footer margin top 30px text align center font size 12px color rgba 0 0 0 6 footer a color rgba 255 255 255 8 style div class paper div class paper content textarea autofocus Hello there 10 Here s a paper text area feel free to type something textarea div div footer Doodle Pad Old Skool footer script let ta document getElementsByTagName textarea 0 ta oninput ta style height ta scrollHeight px ta parentElement style height ta scrollHeight px ta parentElement parentElement style height ta scrollHeight px document body style height ta scrollHeight px script
width 100 height 100 max height 100 line height 30px padding 0 10px border 0 outline 0 background transparent color mediumblue font family Handlee cursive font weight bold font size 18px box sizing border box z index 1 footer margin top 30px text align center font size 12px color rgba 0 0 0 6 footer a color rgba 255 255 255 8 style div class paper div class paper content textarea autofocus Hello there 10 Here s a paper text area feel free to type something textarea div div footer Doodle Pad Old Skool footer script let ta document getElementsByTagName textarea 0 ta oninput ta style height ta scrollHeight px ta parentElement style height ta scrollHeight px ta parentElement parentElement style height ta scrollHeight px document body style height ta scrollHeight px script