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lightgl js http github com evanw lightgl js var GL function src main js var GL Initialization GL create creates a new WebGL context and augments it with more methods The alpha channel is disabled by default because it usually causes unintended transparencies in the canvas create function canvas options var gl options options if alpha in options options alpha false try gl canvas getContext webgl options catch e try gl gl canvas getContext experimental webgl options catch e if gl throw new Error WebGL not supported gl HALF_FLOAT_OES 0x8D61 Export all external classes binding them to a gl context for this canvas gl Matrix Matrix gl Indexer Indexer gl Buffer bindBuffer gl gl Mesh bindMesh gl gl Raytracer bindRaytracer gl gl Shader bindShader gl gl Texture bindTexture gl gl Vector Vector addMatrixStack gl addImmediateMode gl addEventListeners gl addOtherMethods gl return gl GL keys contains a mapping of key codes to booleans indicating whether that key is currently pressed keys Matrix stack Implement the OpenGL modelview and projection matrix stacks along with some other useful GLU matrix functions function addMatrixStack gl gl MODELVIEW ENUM 1 gl PROJECTION ENUM 2 var tempMatrix new Matrix var resultMatrix new Matrix gl modelviewMatrix new Matrix gl projectionMatrix new Matrix var modelviewStack var projectionStack var matrix stack gl matrixMode function mode switch mode case gl MODELVIEW matrix modelviewMatrix stack modelviewStack break case gl PROJECTION matrix projectionMatrix stack projectionStack break default throw new Error invalid matrix mode mode gl loadIdentity function Matrix identity gl matrix gl loadMatrix function m var from m m to gl matrix m for var i 0 i 16 i to i from i gl multMatrix function m gl loadMatrix Matrix multiply gl matrix m resultMatrix gl perspective function fov aspect near far gl multMatrix Matrix perspective fov aspect near far tempMatrix gl frustum function l r b t n f gl multMatrix Matrix frustum l r b t n f tempMatrix gl ortho function l r b t n f gl multMatrix Matrix ortho l r b t n f tempMatrix gl scale function x y z gl multMatrix Matrix scale x y z tempMatrix gl translate function x y z gl multMatrix Matrix translate x y z tempMatrix gl rotate function a x y z gl multMatrix Matrix rotate a x y z tempMatrix gl lookAt function ex ey ez cx cy cz ux uy uz gl multMatrix Matrix lookAt ex ey ez cx cy cz ux uy uz tempMatrix gl pushMatrix function stack push Array prototype slice call gl matrix m gl popMatrix function var m stack pop gl matrix m hasFloat32Array new Float32Array m m gl project function objX objY objZ modelview projection viewport modelview modelview gl modelviewMatrix projection projection gl projectionMatrix viewport viewport gl getParameter gl VIEWPORT var point projection transformPoint modelview transformPoint new Vector objX objY objZ return new Vector viewport 0 viewport 2 point x 0 5 0 5 viewport 1 viewport 3 point y 0 5 0 5 point z 0 5 0 5 gl unProject function winX winY winZ modelview projection viewport modelview modelview gl modelviewMatrix projection projection gl projectionMatrix viewport viewport gl getParameter gl VIEWPORT var point new Vector winX viewport 0 viewport 2 2 1 winY viewport 1 viewport 3 2 1 winZ 2 1 return Matrix inverse Matrix multiply projection modelview tempMatrix resultMatrix transformPoint point gl matrixMode gl MODELVIEW Immediate mode Provide an implementation of OpenGL s deprecated immediate mode This is depricated for a reason constantly re specifying the geometry is a bad idea for performance You should use a GL Mesh instead which specifies the geometry once and caches it on the graphics card Still nothing beats a quick gl begin gl POINTS gl vertex 1 2 3 gl end for debugging This intentionally doesn t implement fixed function lighting because it s only meant for quick debugging tasks function addImmediateMode gl var immediateMode mesh new gl Mesh coords true colors true triangles false mode 1 coord 0 0 0 0 color 1 1 1 1 pointSize 1 shader new gl Shader uniform float pointSize varying vec4 color varying vec4 coord void main color gl_Color coord gl_TexCoord gl_Position gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_Vertex gl_PointSize pointSize uniform sampler2D texture uniform float pointSize uniform bool useTexture varying vec4 color varying vec4 coord void main gl_FragColor color if useTexture gl_FragColor texture2D texture coord xy gl pointSize function pointSize immediateMode shader uniforms pointSize pointSize gl begin function mode if immediateMode mode 1 throw new Error mismatched gl begin and gl end calls immediateMode mode mode immediateMode mesh colors immediateMode mesh coords immediateMode mesh vertices gl color function r g b a immediateMode color arguments length 1 r toArray concat 1 r g b a 1 gl texCoord function s t immediateMode coord arguments length 1 s toArray 2 s t gl vertex function x y z immediateMode mesh colors push immediateMode color immediateMode mesh coords push immediateMode coord immediateMode mesh vertices push arguments length 1 x toArray x y z gl end function if immediateMode mode 1 throw new Error mismatched gl begin and gl end calls immediateMode mesh compile immediateMode shader uniforms useTexture gl getParameter gl TEXTURE_BINDING_2D draw immediateMode mesh immediateMode mode immediateMode mode 1 Improved mouse events This adds event listeners on the gl canvas element that call gl onmousedown gl onmousemove and gl onmouseup with an augmented event object The event object also has the properties x y deltaX deltaY and dragging function addEventListeners gl var context gl oldX 0 oldY 0 buttons hasOld false var has Object prototype hasOwnProperty function isDragging for var b in buttons if has call buttons b buttons b return true return false function augment original Make a copy of original a native MouseEvent so we can overwrite WebKit s non standard read only x and y properties which are just duplicates of pageX and pageY We can t just use Object create original because some MouseEvent functions must be called in the context of the original event object var e for var name in original if typeof original name function e name function callback return function callback apply original arguments original name else e name original name e original original e x e pageX e y e pageY for var obj gl canvas obj obj obj offsetParent e x obj offsetLeft e y obj offsetTop if hasOld e deltaX e x oldX e deltaY e y oldY else e deltaX 0 e deltaY 0 hasOld true oldX e x oldY e y e dragging isDragging e preventDefault function e original preventDefault e stopPropagation function e original stopPropagation return e function mousedown e gl context if isDragging Expand the event handlers to the document to handle dragging off canvas on document mousemove mousemove on document mouseup mouseup off gl canvas mousemove mousemove off gl canvas mouseup mouseup buttons e which true e augment e if gl onmousedown gl onmousedown e e preventDefault function mousemove e gl context e augment e if gl onmousemove gl onmousemove e e preventDefault function mouseup e gl context buttons e which false if isDragging Shrink the event handlers back to the canvas when dragging ends off document mousemove mousemove off document mouseup mouseup on gl canvas mousemove mousemove on gl canvas mouseup mouseup e augment e if gl onmouseup gl onmouseup e e preventDefault function reset hasOld false function resetAll buttons hasOld false on gl canvas mousedown mousedown on gl canvas mousemove mousemove on gl canvas mouseup mouseup on gl canvas mouseover reset on gl canvas mouseout reset on document contextmenu resetAll Automatic keyboard state The current keyboard state is stored in GL keys a map of integer key codes to booleans indicating whether that key is currently pressed Certain keys also have named identifiers that can be used directly such as GL keys SPACE Values in GL keys are initially undefined until that key is pressed for the first time If you need a boolean value you can cast the value to boolean by applying the not operator twice as in GL keys SPACE function mapKeyCode code var named 8 BACKSPACE 9 TAB 13 ENTER 16 SHIFT 27 ESCAPE 32 SPACE 37 LEFT 38 UP 39 RIGHT 40 DOWN return named code code 65 code 90 String fromCharCode code null function on element name callback element addEventListener name callback function off element name callback element removeEventListener name callback on document keydown function e if e altKey e ctrlKey e metaKey var key mapKeyCode e keyCode if key GL keys key true GL keys e keyCode true on document keyup function e if e altKey e ctrlKey e metaKey var key mapKeyCode e keyCode if key GL keys key false GL keys e keyCode false function addOtherMethods gl Multiple contexts When using multiple contexts in one web page gl makeCurrent must be called before issuing commands to a different context function context gl makeCurrent function gl context gl Animation Call gl animate to provide an animation loop that repeatedly calls gl onupdate and gl ondraw gl animate function var post window requestAnimationFrame window mozRequestAnimationFrame window webkitRequestAnimationFrame function callback setTimeout callback 1000 60 var time new Date getTime var context gl function update gl context var now new Date getTime if gl onupdate gl onupdate now time 1000 if gl ondraw gl ondraw post update time now update Fullscreen Provide an easy way to get a fullscreen app running including an automatic 3D perspective projection matrix by default This should be called once Just fullscreen no automatic camera gl fullscreen camera false Adjusting field of view near plane distance and far plane distance gl fullscreen fov 45 near 0 1 far 1000 Adding padding from the edge of the window gl fullscreen paddingLeft 250 paddingBottom 60 gl fullscreen function options options options var top options paddingTop 0 var left options paddingLeft 0 var right options paddingRight 0 var bottom options paddingBottom 0 if document body throw new Error document body doesn t exist yet call gl fullscreen from window onload or from inside the body tag document body appendChild gl canvas document body style overflow hidden gl canvas style position absolute gl canvas style left left px gl canvas style top top px function resize gl canvas width window innerWidth left right gl canvas height window innerHeight top bottom gl viewport 0 0 gl canvas width gl canvas height if options camera camera in options gl matrixMode gl PROJECTION gl loadIdentity gl perspective options fov 45 gl canvas width gl canvas height options near 0 1 options far 1000 gl matrixMode gl MODELVIEW if gl ondraw gl ondraw on window resize resize resize A value to bitwise or with new enums to make them distinguishable from the standard WebGL enums var ENUM 0x12340000 src matrix js Represents a 4x4 matrix stored in row major order that uses Float32Arrays when available Matrix operations can either be done using convenient methods that return a new matrix for the result or optimized methods that store the result in an existing matrix to avoid generating garbage var hasFloat32Array typeof Float32Array undefined new GL Matrix elements This constructor takes 16 arguments in row major order which can be passed individually as a list or even as four lists one for each row If the arguments are omitted then the identity matrix is constructed instead function Matrix var m Array prototype concat apply arguments if m length m 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 this m hasFloat32Array new Float32Array m m Matrix prototype inverse Returns the matrix that when multiplied with this matrix results in the identity matrix inverse function return Matrix inverse this new Matrix transpose Returns this matrix exchanging columns for rows transpose function return Matrix transpose this new Matrix multiply matrix Returns the concatenation of the transforms for this matrix and matrix This emulates the OpenGL function glMultMatrix multiply function matrix return Matrix multiply this matrix new Matrix transformPoint point Transforms the vector as a point with a w coordinate of 1 This means translations will have an effect for example transformPoint function v var m this m return new Vector m 0 v x m 1 v y m 2 v z m 3 m 4 v x m 5 v y m 6 v z m 7 m 8 v x m 9 v y m 10 v z m 11 divide m 12 v x m 13 v y m 14 v z m 15 transformPoint vector Transforms the vector as a vector with a w coordinate of 0 This means translations will have no effect for example transformVector function v var m this m return new Vector m 0 v x m 1 v y m 2 v z m 4 v x m 5 v y m 6 v z m 8 v x m 9 v y m 10 v z GL Matrix inverse matrix result Returns the matrix that when multiplied with matrix results in the identity matrix You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This implementation is from the Mesa OpenGL function __gluInvertMatrixd found in project c Matrix inverse function matrix result result result new Matrix var m matrix m r result m r 0 m 5 m 10 m 15 m 5 m 14 m 11 m 6 m 9 m 15 m 6 m 13 m 11 m 7 m 9 m 14 m 7 m 13 m 10 r 1 m 1 m 10 m 15 m 1 m 14 m 11 m 2 m 9 m 15 m 2 m 13 m 11 m 3 m 9 m 14 m 3 m 13 m 10 r 2 m 1 m 6 m 15 m 1 m 14 m 7 m 2 m 5 m 15 m 2 m 13 m 7 m 3 m 5 m 14 m 3 m 13 m 6 r 3 m 1 m 6 m 11 m 1 m 10 m 7 m 2 m 5 m 11 m 2 m 9 m 7 m 3 m 5 m 10 m 3 m 9 m 6 r 4 m 4 m 10 m 15 m 4 m 14 m 11 m 6 m 8 m 15 m 6 m 12 m 11 m 7 m 8 m 14 m 7 m 12 m 10 r 5 m 0 m 10 m 15 m 0 m 14 m 11 m 2 m 8 m 15 m 2 m 12 m 11 m 3 m 8 m 14 m 3 m 12 m 10 r 6 m 0 m 6 m 15 m 0 m 14 m 7 m 2 m 4 m 15 m 2 m 12 m 7 m 3 m 4 m 14 m 3 m 12 m 6 r 7 m 0 m 6 m 11 m 0 m 10 m 7 m 2 m 4 m 11 m 2 m 8 m 7 m 3 m 4 m 10 m 3 m 8 m 6 r 8 m 4 m 9 m 15 m 4 m 13 m 11 m 5 m 8 m 15 m 5 m 12 m 11 m 7 m 8 m 13 m 7 m 12 m 9 r 9 m 0 m 9 m 15 m 0 m 13 m 11 m 1 m 8 m 15 m 1 m 12 m 11 m 3 m 8 m 13 m 3 m 12 m 9 r 10 m 0 m 5 m 15 m 0 m 13 m 7 m 1 m 4 m 15 m 1 m 12 m 7 m 3 m 4 m 13 m 3 m 12 m 5 r 11 m 0 m 5 m 11 m 0 m 9 m 7 m 1 m 4 m 11 m 1 m 8 m 7 m 3 m 4 m 9 m 3 m 8 m 5 r 12 m 4 m 9 m 14 m 4 m 13 m 10 m 5 m 8 m 14 m 5 m 12 m 10 m 6 m 8 m 13 m 6 m 12 m 9 r 13 m 0 m 9 m 14 m 0 m 13 m 10 m 1 m 8 m 14 m 1 m 12 m 10 m 2 m 8 m 13 m 2 m 12 m 9 r 14 m 0 m 5 m 14 m 0 m 13 m 6 m 1 m 4 m 14 m 1 m 12 m 6 m 2 m 4 m 13 m 2 m 12 m 5 r 15 m 0 m 5 m 10 m 0 m 9 m 6 m 1 m 4 m 10 m 1 m 8 m 6 m 2 m 4 m 9 m 2 m 8 m 5 var det m 0 r 0 m 1 r 4 m 2 r 8 m 3 r 12 for var i 0 i 16 i r i det return result GL Matrix transpose matrix result Returns matrix exchanging columns for rows You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix Matrix transpose function matrix result result result new Matrix var m matrix m r result m r 0 m 0 r 1 m 4 r 2 m 8 r 3 m 12 r 4 m 1 r 5 m 5 r 6 m 9 r 7 m 13 r 8 m 2 r 9 m 6 r 10 m 10 r 11 m 14 r 12 m 3 r 13 m 7 r 14 m 11 r 15 m 15 return result GL Matrix multiply left right result Returns the concatenation of the transforms for left and right You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function glMultMatrix Matrix multiply function left right result result result new Matrix var a left m b right m r result m r 0 a 0 b 0 a 1 b 4 a 2 b 8 a 3 b 12 r 1 a 0 b 1 a 1 b 5 a 2 b 9 a 3 b 13 r 2 a 0 b 2 a 1 b 6 a 2 b 10 a 3 b 14 r 3 a 0 b 3 a 1 b 7 a 2 b 11 a 3 b 15 r 4 a 4 b 0 a 5 b 4 a 6 b 8 a 7 b 12 r 5 a 4 b 1 a 5 b 5 a 6 b 9 a 7 b 13 r 6 a 4 b 2 a 5 b 6 a 6 b 10 a 7 b 14 r 7 a 4 b 3 a 5 b 7 a 6 b 11 a 7 b 15 r 8 a 8 b 0 a 9 b 4 a 10 b 8 a 11 b 12 r 9 a 8 b 1 a 9 b 5 a 10 b 9 a 11 b 13 r 10 a 8 b 2 a 9 b 6 a 10 b 10 a 11 b 14 r 11 a 8 b 3 a 9 b 7 a 10 b 11 a 11 b 15 r 12 a 12 b 0 a 13 b 4 a 14 b 8 a 15 b 12 r 13 a 12 b 1 a 13 b 5 a 14 b 9 a 15 b 13 r 14 a 12 b 2 a 13 b 6 a 14 b 10 a 15 b 14 r 15 a 12 b 3 a 13 b 7 a 14 b 11 a 15 b 15 return result GL Matrix identity result Returns an identity matrix You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function glLoadIdentity Matrix identity function result result result new Matrix var m result m m 0 m 5 m 10 m 15 1 m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4 m 6 m 7 m 8 m 9 m 11 m 12 m 13 m 14 0 return result GL Matrix perspective fov aspect near far result Returns a perspective transform matrix which makes far away objects appear smaller than nearby objects The aspect argument should be the width divided by the height of your viewport and fov is the top to bottom angle of the field of view in degrees You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function gluPerspective Matrix perspective function fov aspect near far result var y Math tan fov Math PI 360 near var x y aspect return Matrix frustum x x y y near far result GL Matrix frustum left right bottom top near far result Sets up a viewing frustum which is shaped like a truncated pyramid with the camera where the point of the pyramid would be You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function glFrustum Matrix frustum function l r b t n f result result result new Matrix var m result m m 0 2 n r l m 1 0 m 2 r l r l m 3 0 m 4 0 m 5 2 n t b m 6 t b t b m 7 0 m 8 0 m 9 0 m 10 f n f n m 11 2 f n f n m 12 0 m 13 0 m 14 1 m 15 0 return result GL Matrix ortho left right bottom top near far result Returns an orthographic projection in which objects are the same size no matter how far away or nearby they are You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function glOrtho Matrix ortho function l r b t n f result result result new Matrix var m result m m 0 2 r l m 1 0 m 2 0 m 3 r l r l m 4 0 m 5 2 t b m 6 0 m 7 t b t b m 8 0 m 9 0 m 10 2 f n m 11 f n f n m 12 0 m 13 0 m 14 0 m 15 1 return result GL Matrix scale x y z result This emulates the OpenGL function glScale You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix Matrix scale function x y z result result result new Matrix var m result m m 0 x m 1 0 m 2 0 m 3 0 m 4 0 m 5 y m 6 0 m 7 0 m 8 0 m 9 0 m 10 z m 11 0 m 12 0 m 13 0 m 14 0 m 15 1 return result GL Matrix translate x y z result This emulates the OpenGL function glTranslate You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix Matrix translate function x y z result result result new Matrix var m result m m 0 1 m 1 0 m 2 0 m 3 x m 4 0 m 5 1 m 6 0 m 7 y m 8 0 m 9 0 m 10 1 m 11 z m 12 0 m 13 0 m 14 0 m 15 1 return result GL Matrix rotate a x y z result Returns a matrix that rotates by a degrees around the vector x y z You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function glRotate Matrix rotate function a x y z result if a x y z return Matrix identity result result result new Matrix var m result m var d Math sqrt x x y y z z a Math PI 180 x d y d z d var c Math cos a s Math sin a t 1 c m 0 x x t c m 1 x y t z s m 2 x z t y s m 3 0 m 4 y x t z s m 5 y y t c m 6 y z t x s m 7 0 m 8 z x t y s m 9 z y t x s m 10 z z t c m 11 0 m 12 0 m 13 0 m 14 0 m 15 1 return result GL Matrix lookAt ex ey ez cx cy cz ux uy uz result Returns a matrix that puts the camera at the eye point ex ey ez looking toward the center point cx cy cz with an up direction of ux uy uz You can optionally pass an existing matrix in result to avoid allocating a new matrix This emulates the OpenGL function gluLookAt Matrix lookAt function ex ey ez cx cy cz ux uy uz result result result new Matrix var m result m var e new Vector ex ey ez var c new Vector cx cy cz var u new Vector ux uy uz var f e subtract c unit var s u cross f unit var t f cross s unit m 0 s x m 1 s y m 2 s z m 3 s dot e m 4 t x m 5 t y m 6 t z m 7 t dot e m 8 f x m 9 f y m 10 f z m 11 f dot e m 12 0 m 13 0 m 14 0 m 15 1 return result src mesh js Represents indexed triangle geometry with arbitrary additional attributes You need a shader to draw a mesh meshes can t draw themselves A mesh is a collection of GL Buffer objects which are either vertex buffers holding per vertex attributes or index buffers holding the order in which vertices are rendered By default a mesh has a position vertex buffer called vertices and a triangle index buffer called triangles New buffers can be added using addVertexBuffer and addIndexBuffer Two strings are required when adding a new vertex buffer the name of the data array on the mesh instance and the name of the GLSL attribute in the vertex shader Example usage var mesh new GL Mesh coords true lines true Default attribute vertices available as gl_Vertex in the vertex shader mesh vertices 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Optional attribute coords enabled in constructor available as gl_TexCoord in the vertex shader mesh coords 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Custom attribute weights available as weight in the vertex shader mesh addVertexBuffer weights weight mesh weights 1 0 0 1 Default index buffer triangles mesh triangles 0 1 2 2 1 3 Optional index buffer lines enabled in constructor mesh lines 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 3 Upload provided data to GPU memory mesh compile new GL Indexer Generates indices into a list of unique objects from a stream of objects that may contain duplicates This is useful for generating compact indexed meshes from unindexed data function Indexer this unique this indices this map Indexer prototype add v Adds the object obj to unique if it hasn t already been added Returns the index of obj in unique add function obj var key JSON stringify obj if key in this map this map key this unique length this unique push obj return this map key new GL Buffer target type Provides a simple method of uploading data to a GPU buffer Example usage var vertices new gl Buffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER Float32Array var indices new gl Buffer gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER Uint16Array vertices data 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 indices data 0 1 2 2 1 3 vertices compile indices compile function bindBuffer gl function Buffer target type this buffer null this target target this type type this data Buffer prototype compile type Upload the contents of data to the GPU in preparation for rendering The data must be a list of lists where each inner list has the same length For example each element of data for vertex normals would be a list of length three This will remember the data length and element length for later use by shaders The type can be either gl STATIC_DRAW or gl DYNAMIC_DRAW and defaults to gl STATIC_DRAW This could have used concat apply this data to flatten the array but Google Chrome has a maximum number of arguments so the concatenations are chunked to avoid that limit compile function type var data for var i 0 chunk 10000 i this data length i chunk data Array prototype concat apply data this data slice i i chunk var spacing this data length data length this data length 0 if spacing Math round spacing throw new Error buffer elements not of consistent size average size is spacing this buffer this buffer gl createBuffer this buffer length data length this buffer spacing spacing gl bindBuffer this target this buffer gl bufferData this target new this type data type gl STATIC_DRAW return Buffer new GL Mesh options Represents a collection of vertex buffers and index buffers Each vertex buffer maps to one attribute in GLSL and has a corresponding property set on the Mesh instance There is one vertex buffer by default vertices which maps to gl_Vertex The coords normals and colors vertex buffers map to gl_TexCoord gl_Normal and gl_Color respectively and can be enabled by setting the corresponding options to true There are two index buffers triangles and lines which are used for rendering gl TRIANGLES and gl LINES respectively Only triangles is enabled by default although computeWireframe will add a normal buffer if it wasn t initially enabled function bindMesh gl function Mesh options options options this vertexBuffers this indexBuffers this addVertexBuffer vertices gl_Vertex if options coords this addVertexBuffer coords gl_TexCoord if options normals this addVertexBuffer normals gl_Normal if options colors this addVertexBuffer colors gl_Color if triangles in options options triangles this addIndexBuffer triangles if options lines this addIndexBuffer lines Mesh prototype addVertexBuffer name attribute Add a new vertex buffer with a list as a property called name on this object and map it to the attribute called attribute in all shaders that draw this mesh addVertexBuffer function name attribute var buffer this vertexBuffers attribute new gl Buffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER Float32Array buffer name name this name addIndexBuffer name Add a new index buffer with a list as a property called name on this object addIndexBuffer function name var buffer this indexBuffers name new gl Buffer gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER Uint16Array this name compile Upload all attached buffers to the GPU in preparation for rendering This doesn t need to be called every frame only needs to be done when the data changes compile function for var attribute in this vertexBuffers var buffer this vertexBuffers attribute buffer data this buffer name buffer compile for var name in this indexBuffers var buffer this indexBuffers name buffer data this name buffer compile transform matrix Transform all vertices by matrix and all normals by the inverse transpose of matrix transform function matrix this vertices this vertices map function v return matrix transformPoint Vector fromArray v toArray if this normals var invTrans matrix inverse transpose this normals this normals map function n return invTrans transformVector Vector fromArray n unit toArray this compile return this computeNormals Computes a new normal for each vertex from the average normal of the neighboring triangles This means adjacent triangles must share vertices for the resulting normals to be smooth computeNormals function if this normals this addVertexBuffer normals gl_Normal for var i 0 i this vertices length i this normals i new Vector for var i 0 i this triangles length i var t this triangles i var a Vector fromArray this vertices t 0 var b Vector fromArray this vertices t 1 var c Vector fromArray this vertices t 2 var normal b subtract a cross c subtract a unit this normals t 0 this normals t 0 add normal this normals t 1 this normals t 1 add normal this normals t 2 this normals t 2 add normal for var i 0 i this vertices length i this normals i this normals i unit toArray this compile return this computeWireframe Populate the lines index buffer from the triangles index buffer computeWireframe function var indexer new Indexer for var i 0 i this triangles length i var t this triangles i for var j 0 j t length j var a t j b t j 1 t length indexer add Math min a b Math max a b if this lines this addIndexBuffer lines this lines indexer unique this compile return this getAABB Computes the axis aligned bounding box which is an object whose min and max properties contain the minimum and maximum coordinates of all vertices getAABB function var aabb min new Vector Number MAX_VALUE Number MAX_VALUE Number MAX_VALUE aabb max aabb min negative for var i 0 i this vertices length i var v Vector fromArray this vertices i aabb min Vector min aabb min v aabb max Vector max aabb max v return aabb getBoundingSphere Computes a sphere that contains all vertices not necessarily the smallest sphere The returned object has two properties center and radius getBoundingSphere function var aabb this getAABB var sphere center aabb min add aabb max divide 2 radius 0 for var i 0 i this vertices length i sphere radius Math max sphere radius Vector fromArray this vertices i subtract sphere center length return sphere GL Mesh plane options Generates a square 2x2 mesh the xy plane centered at the origin The options argument specifies options to pass to the mesh constructor Additional options include detailX and detailY which set the tesselation in x and y and detail which sets both detailX and detailY at once Two triangles are generated by default Example usage var mesh1 GL Mesh plane var mesh2 GL Mesh plane detail 5 var mesh3 GL Mesh plane detailX 20 detailY 40 Mesh plane function options options options var mesh new Mesh options detailX options detailX options detail 1 detailY options detailY options detail 1 for var y 0 y detailY y var t y detailY for var x 0 x detailX x var s x detailX mesh vertices push 2 s 1 2 t 1 0 if mesh coords mesh coords push s t if mesh normals mesh normals push 0 0 1 if x detailX y detailY var i x y detailX 1 mesh triangles push i i 1 i detailX 1 mesh triangles push i detailX 1 i 1 i detailX 2 mesh compile return mesh var cubeData 0 4 2 6 1 0 0 x 1 3 5 7 1 0 0 x 0 1 4 5 0 1 0 y 2 6 3 7 0 1 0 y 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 z 4 5 6 7 0 0 1 z function pickOctant i return new Vector i 1 2 1 i 2 1 i 4 2 1 GL Mesh cube options Generates a 2x2x2 box centered at the origin The options argument specifies options to pass to the mesh constructor Mesh cube function options var mesh new Mesh options for var i 0 i cubeData length i var data cubeData i v i 4 for var j 0 j 4 j var d data j mesh vertices push pickOctant d toArray if mesh coords mesh coords push j 1 j 2 2 if mesh normals mesh normals push data slice 4 7 mesh triangles push v v 1 v 2 mesh triangles push v 2 v 1 v 3 mesh compile return mesh GL Mesh sphere options Generates a geodesic sphere of radius 1 The options argument specifies options to pass to the mesh constructor in addition to the detail option which controls the tesselation level The detail is 6 by default Example usage var mesh1 GL Mesh sphere var mesh2 GL Mesh sphere detail 2 Mesh sphere function options function tri a b c return flip a c b a b c function fix x return x x x x 2 options options var mesh new Mesh options var indexer new Indexer detail options detail 6 for var octant 0 octant 8 octant var scale pickOctant octant var flip scale x scale y scale z 0 var data for var i 0 i detail i Generate a row of vertices on the surface of the sphere using barycentric coordinates for var j 0 i j detail j var a i detail var b j detail var c detail i j detail var vertex vertex new Vector fix a fix b fix c unit multiply scale toArray if mesh coords vertex coord scale y 0 1 a c c 1 a data push indexer add vertex Generate triangles from this row and the previous row if i 0 for var j 0 i j detail j var a i 1 detail 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 2 j var b i detail 1 i i i 2 j mesh triangles push tri data a data a 1 data b if i j detail mesh triangles push tri data b data a 1 data b 1 Reconstruct the geometry from the indexer mesh vertices indexer unique map function v return v vertex if mesh coords mesh coords indexer unique map function v return v coord if mesh normals mesh normals mesh vertices mesh compile return mesh GL Mesh load json options Creates a mesh from the JSON generated by the convert convert py script Example usage var data vertices 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 triangles 0 1 2 var mesh GL Mesh load data Mesh load function json options options options if coords in options options coords json coords if normals in options options normals json normals if colors in options options colors json colors if triangles in options options triangles json triangles if lines in options options lines json lines var mesh new Mesh options mesh vertices json vertices if mesh coords mesh coords json coords if mesh normals mesh normals json normals if mesh colors mesh colors json colors if mesh triangles mesh triangles json triangles if mesh lines mesh lines json lines mesh compile return mesh return Mesh src raytracer js Provides a convenient raytracing interface new GL HitTest t hit normal This is the object used to return hit test results If there are no arguments the constructed argument represents a hit infinitely far away function HitTest t hit normal this t arguments length t Number MAX_VALUE this hit hit this normal normal mergeWith other Changes this object to be the closer of the two hit test results HitTest prototype mergeWith function other if other t 0 other t this t this t other t this hit other hit this normal other normal new GL Raytracer This will read the current modelview matrix projection matrix and viewport reconstruct the eye position and store enough information to later generate per pixel rays using getRayForPixel Example usage var tracer new GL Raytracer var ray tracer getRayForPixel gl canvas width 2 gl canvas height 2 var result GL Raytracer hitTestSphere tracer eye ray new GL Vector 0 0 0 1 function bindRaytracer gl function Raytracer var v gl getParameter gl VIEWPORT var m gl modelviewMatrix m var axisX new Vector m 0 m 4 m 8 var axisY new Vector m 1 m 5 m 9 var axisZ new Vector m 2 m 6 m 10 var offset new Vector m 3 m 7 m 11 this eye new Vector offset dot axisX offset dot axisY offset dot axisZ var minX v 0 maxX minX v 2 var minY v 1 maxY minY v 3 this ray00 gl unProject minX minY 1 subtract this eye this ray10 gl unProject maxX minY 1 subtract this eye this ray01 gl unProject minX maxY 1 subtract this eye this ray11 gl unProject maxX maxY 1 subtract this eye this viewport v Raytracer prototype getRayForPixel x y Returns the ray originating from the camera and traveling through the pixel x y getRayForPixel function x y x x this viewport 0 this viewport 2 y 1 y this viewport 1 this viewport 3 var ray0 Vector lerp this ray00 this ray10 x var ray1 Vector lerp this ray01 this ray11 x return Vector lerp ray0 ray1 y unit GL Raytracer hitTestBox origin ray min max Traces the ray starting from origin along ray against the axis aligned box whose coordinates extend from min to max Returns a HitTest with the information or null for no intersection This implementation uses the slab intersection method http www siggraph org education materials HyperGraph raytrace rtinter3 htm Raytracer hitTestBox function origin ray min max var tMin min subtract origin divide ray var tMax max subtract origin divide ray var t1 Vector min tMin tMax var t2 Vector max tMin tMax var tNear t1 max var tFar t2 min if tNear 0 tNear tFar var epsilon 1 0e 6 hit origin add ray multiply tNear min min add epsilon max max subtract epsilon return new HitTest tNear hit new Vector hit x max x hit x min x hit y max y hit y min y hit z max z hit z min z return null GL Raytracer hitTestSphere origin ray center radius Traces the ray starting from origin along ray against the sphere defined by center and radius Returns a HitTest with the information or null for no intersection Raytracer hitTestSphere function origin ray center radius var offset origin subtract center var a ray dot ray var b 2 ray dot offset var c offset dot offset radius radius var discriminant b b 4 a c if discriminant 0 var t b Math sqrt discriminant 2 a hit origin add ray multiply t return new HitTest t hit hit subtract center divide radius return null GL Raytracer hitTestTriangle origin ray a b c Traces the ray starting from origin along ray against the triangle defined by the points a b and c Returns a HitTest with the information or null for no intersection Raytracer hitTestTriangle function origin ray a b c var ab b subtract a var ac c subtract a var normal ab cross ac unit var t normal dot a subtract origin normal dot ray if t 0 var hit origin add ray multiply t var toHit hit subtract a var dot00 ac dot ac var dot01 ac dot ab var dot02 ac dot toHit var dot11 ab dot ab var dot12 ab dot toHit var divide dot00 dot11 dot01 dot01 var u dot11 dot02 dot01 dot12 divide var v dot00 dot12 dot01 dot02 divide if u 0 v 0 u v 1 return new HitTest t hit normal return null return Raytracer src shader js Provides a convenient wrapper for WebGL shaders A few uniforms and attributes prefixed with gl_ are automatically added to all shader sources to make simple shaders easier to write Example usage var shader new GL Shader void main gl_Position gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_Vertex uniform vec4 color void main gl_FragColor color shader uniforms color 1 0 0 1 draw mesh function regexMap regex text callback while result regex exec text null callback result Non standard names beginning with gl_ must be mangled because they will otherwise cause a compiler error var LIGHTGL_PREFIX LIGHTGL new GL Shader vertexSource fragmentSource Compiles a shader program using the provided vertex and fragment shaders function bindShader gl function Shader vertexSource fragmentSource Allow passing in the id of an HTML script tag with the source function followScriptTagById id var element document getElementById id return element element text id vertexSource followScriptTagById vertexSource fragmentSource followScriptTagById fragmentSource Headers are prepended to the sources to provide some automatic functionality var header uniform mat3 gl_NormalMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ProjectionMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse uniform mat4 gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixInverse var vertexHeader header attribute vec4 gl_Vertex attribute vec4 gl_TexCoord attribute vec3 gl_Normal attribute vec4 gl_Color vec4 ftransform return gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_Vertex var fragmentHeader precision highp float header Check for the use of built in matrices that require expensive matrix multiplications to compute and record these in usedMatrices var source vertexSource fragmentSource var usedMatrices regexMap b gl_ b g header function groups var name groups 1 if source indexOf name 1 var capitalLetters name replace a z_ g usedMatrices capitalLetters LIGHTGL_PREFIX name if source indexOf ftransform 1 usedMatrices MVPM LIGHTGL_PREFIX gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix this usedMatrices usedMatrices The gl_ prefix must be substituted for something else to avoid compile errors since it s a reserved prefix This prefixes all reserved names with _ The header is inserted after any extensions since those must come first function fix header source var replaced var match s n s extension n exec source source match match 1 header source substr match 1 length header source regexMap bgl_ w b g header function result if result in replaced source source replace new RegExp b result b g LIGHTGL_PREFIX result replaced result true return source vertexSource fix vertexHeader vertexSource fragmentSource fix fragmentHeader fragmentSource Compile and link errors are thrown as strings function compileSource type source var shader gl createShader type gl shaderSource shader source gl compileShader shader if gl getShaderParameter shader gl COMPILE_STATUS throw new Error compile error gl getShaderInfoLog shader return shader this program gl createProgram gl attachShader this program compileSource gl VERTEX_SHADER vertexSource gl attachShader this program compileSource gl FRAGMENT_SHADER fragmentSource gl linkProgram this program if gl getProgramParameter this program gl LINK_STATUS throw new Error link error gl getProgramInfoLog this program this attributes this uniformLocations Sampler uniforms need to be uploaded using gl uniform1i instead of gl uniform1f To do this automatically we detect and remember all uniform samplers in the source code var isSampler regexMap uniform s sampler 1D 2D 3D Cube s w s g vertexSource fragmentSource function groups isSampler groups 2 1 this isSampler isSampler function isArray obj var str Object prototype toString call obj return str object Array str object Float32Array function isNumber obj var str Object prototype toString call obj return str object Number str object Boolean var tempMatrix new Matrix var resultMatrix new Matrix Shader prototype uniforms uniforms Set a uniform for each property of uniforms The correct gl uniform method is inferred from the value types and from the stored uniform sampler flags uniforms function uniforms gl useProgram this program for var name in uniforms var location this uniformLocations name gl getUniformLocation this program name if location continue this uniformLocations name location var value uniforms name if value instanceof Vector value value x value y value z else if value instanceof Matrix value value m if isArray value switch value length case 1 gl uniform1fv location new Float32Array value break case 2 gl uniform2fv location new Float32Array value break case 3 gl uniform3fv location new Float32Array value break case 4 gl uniform4fv location new Float32Array value break Matrices are automatically transposed since WebGL uses column major indices instead of row major indices case 9 gl uniformMatrix3fv location false new Float32Array value 0 value 3 value 6 value 1 value 4 value 7 value 2 value 5 value 8 break case 16 gl uniformMatrix4fv location false new Float32Array value 0 value 4 value 8 value 12 value 1 value 5 value 9 value 13 value 2 value 6 value 10 value 14 value 3 value 7 value 11 value 15 break default throw new Error don t know how to load uniform name of length value length else if isNumber value this isSampler name gl uniform1i gl uniform1f call gl location value else throw new Error attempted to set uniform name to invalid value value return this draw mesh mode Sets all uniform matrix attributes binds all relevant buffers and draws the mesh geometry as indexed triangles or indexed lines Set mode to gl LINES and either add indices to lines or call computeWireframe to draw the mesh in wireframe draw function mesh mode this drawBuffers mesh vertexBuffers mesh indexBuffers mode gl LINES lines triangles arguments length 2 gl TRIANGLES mode drawBuffers vertexBuffers indexBuffer mode Sets all uniform matrix attributes binds all relevant buffers and draws the indexed mesh geometry The vertexBuffers argument is a map from attribute names to Buffer objects of type gl ARRAY_BUFFER indexBuffer is a Buffer object of type gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER and mode is a WebGL primitive mode like gl TRIANGLES or gl LINES This method automatically creates and caches vertex attribute pointers for attributes as needed drawBuffers function vertexBuffers indexBuffer mode Only construct up the built in matrices we need for this shader var used this usedMatrices var MVM gl modelviewMatrix var PM gl projectionMatrix var MVMI used MVMI used NM MVM inverse null var PMI used PMI PM inverse null var MVPM used MVPM used MVPMI PM multiply MVM null var matrices if used MVM matrices used MVM MVM if used MVMI matrices used MVMI MVMI if used PM matrices used PM PM if used PMI matrices used PMI PMI if used MVPM matrices used MVPM MVPM if used MVPMI matrices used MVPMI MVPM inverse if used NM var m MVMI m matrices used NM m 0 m 4 m 8 m 1 m 5 m 9 m 2 m 6 m 10 this uniforms matrices Create and enable attribute pointers as necessary var length 0 for var attribute in vertexBuffers var buffer vertexBuffers attribute var location this attributes attribute gl getAttribLocation this program attribute replace gl_ LIGHTGL_PREFIX 1 if location 1 buffer buffer continue this attributes attribute location gl bindBuffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER buffer buffer gl enableVertexAttribArray location gl vertexAttribPointer location buffer buffer spacing gl FLOAT false 0 0 length buffer buffer length buffer buffer spacing Disable unused attribute pointers for var attribute in this attributes if attribute in vertexBuffers gl disableVertexAttribArray this attributes attribute Draw the geometry if length indexBuffer indexBuffer buffer if indexBuffer gl bindBuffer gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER indexBuffer buffer gl drawElements mode indexBuffer buffer length gl UNSIGNED_SHORT 0 else gl drawArrays mode 0 length return this return Shader src texture js Provides a simple wrapper around WebGL textures that supports render to texture new GL Texture width height options The arguments width and height give the size of the texture in texels WebGL texture dimensions must be powers of two unless filter is set to either gl NEAREST or gl LINEAR and wrap is set to gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE which they are by default Texture parameters can be passed in via the options argument Example usage var t new GL Texture 256 256 Defaults to gl LINEAR set both at once with filter magFilter gl NEAREST minFilter gl LINEAR Defaults to gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE set both at once with wrap wrapS gl REPEAT wrapT gl REPEAT format gl RGB Defaults to gl RGBA type gl FLOAT Defaults to gl UNSIGNED_BYTE function bindTexture gl function Texture width height options options options this id gl createTexture this width width this height height this format options format gl RGBA this type options type gl UNSIGNED_BYTE var magFilter options filter options magFilter gl LINEAR var minFilter options filter options minFilter gl LINEAR if this type gl FLOAT if Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures throw new Error OES_texture_float is required but not supported if minFilter gl NEAREST magFilter gl NEAREST Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering throw new Error OES_texture_float_linear is required but not supported else if this type gl HALF_FLOAT_OES if Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointTextures throw new Error OES_texture_half_float is required but not supported if minFilter gl NEAREST magFilter gl NEAREST Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointLinearFiltering throw new Error OES_texture_half_float_linear is required but not supported gl bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D this id gl pixelStorei gl UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL 1 gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER magFilter gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER minFilter gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_WRAP_S options wrap options wrapS gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_WRAP_T options wrap options wrapT gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE gl texImage2D gl TEXTURE_2D 0 this format width height 0 this format this type options data null var framebuffer var renderbuffer var checkerboardCanvas Texture prototype bind unit Bind this texture to the given texture unit 0 7 defaults to 0 bind function unit gl activeTexture gl TEXTURE0 unit 0 gl bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D this id unbind unit Clear the given texture unit 0 7 defaults to 0 unbind function unit gl activeTexture gl TEXTURE0 unit 0 gl bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D null canDrawTo Check if rendering to this texture is supported It may not be supported for floating point textures on some configurations canDrawTo function framebuffer framebuffer gl createFramebuffer gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER framebuffer gl framebufferTexture2D gl FRAMEBUFFER gl COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl TEXTURE_2D this id 0 var result gl checkFramebufferStatus gl FRAMEBUFFER gl FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER null return result drawTo callback Render all draw calls in callback to this texture This method sets up a framebuffer with this texture as the color attachment and a renderbuffer as the depth attachment It also temporarily changes the viewport to the size of the texture Example usage texture drawTo function gl clearColor 1 0 0 1 gl clear gl COLOR_BUFFER_BIT drawTo function callback var v gl getParameter gl VIEWPORT framebuffer framebuffer gl createFramebuffer renderbuffer renderbuffer gl createRenderbuffer gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER framebuffer gl bindRenderbuffer gl RENDERBUFFER renderbuffer if this width renderbuffer width this height renderbuffer height renderbuffer width this width renderbuffer height this height gl renderbufferStorage gl RENDERBUFFER gl DEPTH_COMPONENT16 this width this height gl framebufferTexture2D gl FRAMEBUFFER gl COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl TEXTURE_2D this id 0 gl framebufferRenderbuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER gl DEPTH_ATTACHMENT gl RENDERBUFFER renderbuffer if gl checkFramebufferStatus gl FRAMEBUFFER gl FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE throw new Error Rendering to this texture is not supported incomplete framebuffer gl viewport 0 0 this width this height callback gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER null gl bindRenderbuffer gl RENDERBUFFER null gl viewport v 0 v 1 v 2 v 3 swapWith other Switch this texture with other useful for the ping pong rendering technique used in multi stage rendering swapWith function other var temp temp other id other id this id this id temp temp other width other width this width this width temp temp other height other height this height this height temp GL Texture fromImage image options Return a new image created from image an img tag Texture fromImage function image options options options var texture new Texture image width image height options try gl texImage2D gl TEXTURE_2D 0 texture format texture format texture type image catch e if location protocol file throw new Error image not loaded for security reasons serve this page over http instead else throw new Error image not loaded for security reasons image must originate from the same domain as this page or use Cross Origin Resource Sharing if options minFilter options minFilter gl NEAREST options minFilter gl LINEAR gl generateMipmap gl TEXTURE_2D return texture GL Texture fromURL url options Returns a checkerboard texture that will switch to the correct texture when it loads Texture fromURL function url options checkerboardCanvas checkerboardCanvas function var c document createElement canvas getContext 2d c canvas width c canvas height 128 for var y 0 y c canvas height y 16 for var x 0 x c canvas width x 16 c fillStyle x y 16 FFF DDD c fillRect x y 16 16 return c canvas var texture Texture fromImage checkerboardCanvas options var image new Image var context gl image onload function context makeCurrent Texture fromImage image options swapWith texture image src url return texture GL Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures Returns false if gl FLOAT is not supported as a texture type This is the OES_texture_float extension Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures function return gl getExtension OES_texture_float GL Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering Returns false if gl LINEAR is not supported as a texture filter mode for textures of type gl FLOAT This is the OES_texture_float_linear extension Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering function return gl getExtension OES_texture_float_linear GL Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures Returns false if gl HALF_FLOAT_OES is not supported as a texture type This is the OES_texture_half_float extension Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointTextures function return gl getExtension OES_texture_half_float GL Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering Returns false if gl LINEAR is not supported as a texture filter mode for textures of type gl HALF_FLOAT_OES This is the OES_texture_half_float_linear extension Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointLinearFiltering function return gl getExtension OES_texture_half_float_linear return Texture src vector js Provides a simple 3D vector class Vector operations can be done using member functions which return new vectors or static functions which reuse existing vectors to avoid generating garbage function Vector x y z this x x 0 this y y 0 this z z 0 Instance Methods The methods add subtract multiply and divide can all take either a vector or a number as an argument Vector prototype negative function return new Vector this x this y this z add function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v subtract function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v multiply function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v divide function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v equals function v return this x v x this y v y this z v z dot function v return this x v x this y v y this z v z cross function v return new Vector this y v z this z v y this z v x this x v z this x v y this y v x length function return Math sqrt this dot this unit function return this divide this length min function return Math min Math min this x this y this z max function return Math max Math max this x this y this z toAngles function return theta Math atan2 this z this x phi Math asin this y this length angleTo function a return Math acos this dot a this length a length toArray function n return this x this y this z slice 0 n 3 clone function return new Vector this x this y this z init function x y z this x x this y y this z z return this Static Methods Vector randomDirection returns a vector with a length of 1 and a statistically uniform direction Vector lerp performs linear interpolation between two vectors Vector negative function a b b x a x b y a y b z a z return b Vector add function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector subtract function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector multiply function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector divide function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector cross function a b c c x a y b z a z b y c y a z b x a x b z c z a x b y a y b x return c Vector unit function a b var length a length b x a x length b y a y length b z a z length return b Vector fromAngles function theta phi return new Vector Math cos theta Math cos phi Math sin phi Math sin theta Math cos phi Vector randomDirection function return Vector fromAngles Math random Math PI 2 Math asin Math random 2 1 Vector min function a b return new Vector Math min a x b x Math min a y b y Math min a z b z Vector max function a b return new Vector Math max a x b x Math max a y b y Math max a z b z Vector lerp function a b fraction return b subtract a multiply fraction add a Vector fromArray function a return new Vector a 0 a 1 a 2 Vector angleBetween function a b return a angleTo b return GL 2D fluid simulation code window FluidSim function canvasId options options options options initVFn options initVFn sin 2 0 3 1415 y sin 2 0 3 1415 x options initCFn options initCFn step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 if options threshold undefined options threshold true if options advectV undefined options advectV true if options applyPressure undefined options applyPressure false if options showArrows undefined options showArrows true if options dyeSpots undefined options dyeSpots false For silly reasons these have to be equal for now This is because I assumed grid spacing was equal along each axis so if you want to change these to not be equal you d have to carefully go through the code and decide which values of EPSILON should be 1 WIDTH and which should be 1 HEIGHT var WIDTH options size 400 var HEIGHT WIDTH var EPSILON 1 WIDTH We assume every time step will be a 120th of a second The animation loop runs at 60 fps hopefully so we re simulating 2x slow mo var DELTA_T 1 120 0 We arbitrarily set our fluid s density to 1 this is rho in equations var DENSITY 1 0 var canvas document getElementById canvasId canvas style margin 0 auto canvas style display block var gl GL create canvas gl canvas width WIDTH gl canvas height HEIGHT gl viewport 0 0 gl canvas width gl canvas height Standard 2 triangle mesh covering the viewport when draw with gl TRIANGLE_STRIP var standardMesh gl Mesh load vertices 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 coords 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 var standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord void main textureCoord gl_TexCoord xy gl_Position gl_Vertex Given a texture holding a 2D velocity field draw arrows showing the direction of the fluid flow var drawVectorFieldArrows function var shader new gl Shader mat2 rot float angle float c cos angle float s sin angle return mat2 vec2 c s vec2 s c attribute vec2 position uniform sampler2D velocity void main vec2 v texture2D velocity position 1 0 2 0 xy float scale 0 05 length v float angle atan v y v x mat2 rotation rot angle gl_Position vec4 rotation scale gl_Vertex xy position 0 0 1 0 void main gl_FragColor vec4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Triangle pointing towards positive x axis with baseline on the y axis var triangleVertices 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 var arrowsMesh new gl Mesh triangles false arrowsMesh addVertexBuffer positions position var INTERVAL 30 for var i INTERVAL 2 i HEIGHT i INTERVAL for var j INTERVAL 2 j WIDTH j INTERVAL for var k 0 k 3 k arrowsMesh vertices push triangleVertices k arrowsMesh positions push 2 j WIDTH 1 2 i HEIGHT 1 arrowsMesh compile return function velocityTexture velocityTexture bind 0 shader uniforms velocity 0 shader draw arrowsMesh gl TRIANGLES Given glsl expressions for r g b a mapping x y a value return a function that will paint a color generated by that function evaluated at every pixel of the output buffer x y will be in the range 1 1 1 1 var makeFunctionPainter function r g b a r r 0 0 g g 0 0 b b 0 0 a a 0 0 var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord void main float x 2 0 textureCoord x 1 0 float y 2 0 textureCoord y 1 0 gl_FragColor vec4 r g b a join return function shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP var drawBlack makeFunctionPainter 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Draw a texture directly to the framebuffer Will stretch to fit but in practice the texture and the framebuffer should be the same size var drawTexture function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord uniform sampler2D inputTexture void main gl_FragColor texture2D inputTexture textureCoord return function inputTexture inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms input 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Draw a texture to the framebuffer thresholding at 0 5 var drawTextureThreshold function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord uniform sampler2D inputTexture void main gl_FragColor step 0 5 texture2D inputTexture textureCoord return function inputTexture inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms input 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Given an velocity texture and a time delta advect the quantities in the input texture into the output texture var advect function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float deltaT uniform sampler2D inputTexture uniform sampler2D velocity varying vec2 textureCoord void main vec2 u texture2D velocity textureCoord xy vec2 pastCoord fract textureCoord 0 5 deltaT u gl_FragColor texture2D inputTexture pastCoord return function inputTexture velocityTexture inputTexture bind 0 velocityTexture bind 1 shader uniforms deltaT DELTA_T input 0 velocity 1 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Apply a splat of change to a given place with a given blob radius The effect of the splat has an exponential falloff var addSplat function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform vec4 change uniform vec2 center uniform float radius uniform sampler2D inputTex varying vec2 textureCoord void main float dx center x textureCoord x float dy center y textureCoord y vec4 cur texture2D inputTex textureCoord gl_FragColor cur change exp dx dx dy dy radius return function inputTexture change center radius inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms change change center center radius radius inputTex 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Make sure all the color components are between 0 and 1 var clampColors function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform sampler2D inputTex varying vec2 textureCoord void main gl_FragColor clamp texture2D inputTex textureCoord 0 0 1 0 return function inputTexture inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms inputTex 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Calculate the divergence of the advected velocity field and multiply by 2 epsilon rho deltaT var calcDivergence function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float deltaT Time between steps n uniform float rho Density n uniform float epsilon Distance between grid units n uniform sampler2D velocity Advected velocity field u_a n varying vec2 textureCoord vec2 u vec2 coord return texture2D velocity fract coord xy void main gl_FragColor vec4 2 0 epsilon rho deltaT u textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 x u textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 x u textureCoord vec2 0 epsilon y u textureCoord vec2 0 epsilon y 0 0 0 0 1 0 return function velocityTexture velocityTexture bind 0 shader uniforms velocity 0 epsilon EPSILON deltaT DELTA_T rho DENSITY shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Perform a single iteration of the Jacobi method in order to solve for pressure var jacobiIterationForPressure function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float epsilon Distance between grid units n uniform sampler2D divergence Divergence field of advected velocity d n uniform sampler2D pressure Pressure field from previous iteration p k 1 n varying vec2 textureCoord float d vec2 coord return texture2D divergence fract coord x float p vec2 coord return texture2D pressure fract coord x void main gl_FragColor vec4 0 25 d textureCoord p textureCoord vec2 2 0 epsilon 0 0 p textureCoord vec2 2 0 epsilon 0 0 p textureCoord vec2 0 0 2 0 epsilon p textureCoord vec2 0 0 2 0 epsilon 0 0 0 0 1 0 return function divergenceTexture pressureTexture divergenceTexture bind 0 pressureTexture bind 1 shader uniforms divergence 0 pressure 1 epsilon EPSILON shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Subtract the pressure gradient times a constant from the advected velocity field var subtractPressureGradient function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float deltaT Time between steps n uniform float rho Density n uniform float epsilon Distance between grid units n uniform sampler2D velocity Advected velocity field u_a n uniform sampler2D pressure Solved pressure field n varying vec2 textureCoord float p vec2 coord return texture2D pressure fract coord x void main vec2 u_a texture2D velocity textureCoord xy float diff_p_x p textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 0 p textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 0 float u_x u_a x deltaT 2 0 rho epsilon diff_p_x float diff_p_y p textureCoord vec2 0 0 epsilon p textureCoord vec2 0 0 epsilon float u_y u_a y deltaT 2 0 rho epsilon diff_p_y gl_FragColor vec4 u_x u_y 0 0 0 0 return function velocityTexture pressureTexture velocityTexture bind 0 pressureTexture bind 1 shader uniforms velocity 0 pressure 1 epsilon EPSILON deltaT DELTA_T rho DENSITY shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP var makeTextures function names var ret names forEach function name ret name new gl Texture WIDTH HEIGHT type gl FLOAT ret swap function a b var temp ret a ret a ret b ret b temp return ret var textures makeTextures velocity0 velocity1 color0 color1 divergence pressure0 pressure1 var initVFnPainter makeFunctionPainter options initVFn 0 options initVFn 1 var initCFnPainter makeFunctionPainter options initCFn 0 options initCFn 1 options initCFn 2 var reset function textures velocity0 drawTo initVFnPainter textures color0 drawTo initCFnPainter textures pressure0 drawTo drawBlack reset Reset the simulation on double click canvas addEventListener dblclick reset Returns true if the canvas is on the screen If middleIn is true then will only return true if the middle of the canvas is within the scroll window var onScreen function middleIn var container canvas offsetParent var canvasBottom canvas offsetTop canvas height var canvasTop canvas offsetTop var containerTop window scrollY var containerBottom window scrollY window innerHeight if middleIn return containerTop canvasTop canvasBottom 2 canvasTop canvasBottom 2 containerBottom else return containerTop canvasBottom containerBottom canvasTop gl ondraw function If the canvas isn t visible don t draw it if onScreen return gl clearColor 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 gl clear gl COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT if options threshold drawTextureThreshold textures color0 else drawTexture textures color0 if options showArrows drawVectorFieldArrows textures velocity0 gl onupdate function If the canvas isn t fully on screen don t run the simulation if onScreen true return if options advectV Advect the velocity texture through itself leaving the result in textures velocity0 textures velocity1 drawTo function advect textures velocity0 textures velocity0 textures swap velocity0 velocity1 if options applyPressure Calculate the divergence leaving the result in textures divergence textures divergence drawTo function calcDivergence textures velocity0 Calculate the pressure leaving the result in textures pressure0 var JACOBI_ITERATIONS 10 for var i 0 i JACOBI_ITERATIONS i textures pressure1 drawTo function jacobiIterationForPressure textures divergence textures pressure0 textures swap pressure0 pressure1 Subtract the pressure gradient from the advected velocity texture leaving the result in textures velocity0 textures velocity1 drawTo function subtractPressureGradient textures velocity0 textures pressure0 textures swap velocity0 velocity1 Advect the color field leaving the result in textures color0 textures color1 drawTo function advect textures color0 textures velocity0 textures swap color0 color1 if options dyeSpots Add a few spots slowly emitting dye to prevent the color from eventually converging to the grey ish average color of the whole fluid var addDyeSource function color location textures color1 drawTo function addSplat textures color0 color concat 0 0 location 0 01 textures swap color0 color1 Add red to bottom left addDyeSource 0 004 0 002 0 002 0 2 0 2 Add blue to the top middle addDyeSource 0 002 0 002 0 004 0 5 0 9 Add green to the bottom right addDyeSource 0 002 0 004 0 002 0 8 0 2 gl onmousemove function ev if ev dragging textures velocity1 drawTo function addSplat textures velocity0 10 0 ev deltaX WIDTH 10 0 ev deltaY HEIGHT 0 0 0 0 ev offsetX WIDTH 1 0 ev offsetY HEIGHT 0 01 textures swap velocity0 velocity1 gl animate let canvas document createElement canvas canvas id demo document body appendChild canvas canvas width canvas height 500 new FluidSim demo threshold false advectV true applyPressure true showArrows false initCFn step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 3 floor y 1 0 0 3 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 4 floor y 1 0 0 4 2 0 dyeSpots true size 600

rPixel function x y x x this viewport 0 this viewport 2 y 1 y this viewport 1 this viewport 3 var ray0 Vector lerp this ray00 this ray10 x var ray1 Vector lerp this ray01 this ray11 x return Vector lerp ray0 ray1 y unit GL Raytracer hitTestBox origin ray min max Traces the ray starting from origin along ray against the axis aligned box whose coordinates extend from min to max Returns a HitTest with the information or null for no intersection This implementation uses the slab intersection method http www siggraph org education materials HyperGraph raytrace rtinter3 htm Raytracer hitTestBox function origin ray min max var tMin min subtract origin divide ray var tMax max subtract origin divide ray var t1 Vector min tMin tMax var t2 Vector max tMin tMax var tNear t1 max var tFar t2 min if tNear 0 tNear tFar var epsilon 1 0e 6 hit origin add ray multiply tNear min min add epsilon max max subtract epsilon return new HitTest tNear hit new Vector hit x max x hit x min x hit y max y hit y min y hit z max z hit z min z return null GL Raytracer hitTestSphere origin ray center radius Traces the ray starting from origin along ray against the sphere defined by center and radius Returns a HitTest with the information or null for no intersection Raytracer hitTestSphere function origin ray center radius var offset origin subtract center var a ray dot ray var b 2 ray dot offset var c offset dot offset radius radius var discriminant b b 4 a c if discriminant 0 var t b Math sqrt discriminant 2 a hit origin add ray multiply t return new HitTest t hit hit subtract center divide radius return null GL Raytracer hitTestTriangle origin ray a b c Traces the ray starting from origin along ray against the triangle defined by the points a b and c Returns a HitTest with the information or null for no intersection Raytracer hitTestTriangle function origin ray a b c var ab b subtract a var ac c subtract a var normal ab cross ac unit var t normal dot a subtract origin normal dot ray if t 0 var hit origin add ray multiply t var toHit hit subtract a var dot00 ac dot ac var dot01 ac dot ab var dot02 ac dot toHit var dot11 ab dot ab var dot12 ab dot toHit var divide dot00 dot11 dot01 dot01 var u dot11 dot02 dot01 dot12 divide var v dot00 dot12 dot01 dot02 divide if u 0 v 0 u v 1 return new HitTest t hit normal return null return Raytracer src shader js Provides a convenient wrapper for WebGL shaders A few uniforms and attributes prefixed with gl_ are automatically added to all shader sources to make simple shaders easier to write Example usage var shader new GL Shader void main gl_Position gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_Vertex uniform vec4 color void main gl_FragColor color shader uniforms color 1 0 0 1 draw mesh function regexMap regex text callback while result regex exec text null callback result Non standard names beginning with gl_ must be mangled because they will otherwise cause a compiler error var LIGHTGL_PREFIX LIGHTGL new GL Shader vertexSource fragmentSource Compiles a shader program using the provided vertex and fragment shaders function bindShader gl function Shader vertexSource fragmentSource Allow passing in the id of an HTML script tag with the source function followScriptTagById id var element document getElementById id return element element text id vertexSource followScriptTagById vertexSource fragmentSource followScriptTagById fragmentSource Headers are prepended to the sources to provide some automatic functionality var header uniform mat3 gl_NormalMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ProjectionMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse uniform mat4 gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse uniform mat4 gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixInverse var vertexHeader header attribute vec4 gl_Vertex attribute vec4 gl_TexCoord attribute vec3 gl_Normal attribute vec4 gl_Color vec4 ftransform return gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_Vertex var fragmentHeader precision highp float header Check for the use of built in matrices that require expensive matrix multiplications to compute and record these in usedMatrices var source vertexSource fragmentSource var usedMatrices regexMap b gl_ b g header function groups var name groups 1 if source indexOf name 1 var capitalLetters name replace a z_ g usedMatrices capitalLetters LIGHTGL_PREFIX name if source indexOf ftransform 1 usedMatrices MVPM LIGHTGL_PREFIX gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix this usedMatrices usedMatrices The gl_ prefix must be substituted for something else to avoid compile errors since it s a reserved prefix This prefixes all reserved names with _ The header is inserted after any extensions since those must come first function fix header source var replaced var match s n s extension n exec source source match match 1 header source substr match 1 length header source regexMap bgl_ w b g header function result if result in replaced source source replace new RegExp b result b g LIGHTGL_PREFIX result replaced result true return source vertexSource fix vertexHeader vertexSource fragmentSource fix fragmentHeader fragmentSource Compile and link errors are thrown as strings function compileSource type source var shader gl createShader type gl shaderSource shader source gl compileShader shader if gl getShaderParameter shader gl COMPILE_STATUS throw new Error compile error gl getShaderInfoLog shader return shader this program gl createProgram gl attachShader this program compileSource gl VERTEX_SHADER vertexSource gl attachShader this program compileSource gl FRAGMENT_SHADER fragmentSource gl linkProgram this program if gl getProgramParameter this program gl LINK_STATUS throw new Error link error gl getProgramInfoLog this program this attributes this uniformLocations Sampler uniforms need to be uploaded using gl uniform1i instead of gl uniform1f To do this automatically we detect and remember all uniform samplers in the source code var isSampler regexMap uniform s sampler 1D 2D 3D Cube s w s g vertexSource fragmentSource function groups isSampler groups 2 1 this isSampler isSampler function isArray obj var str Object prototype toString call obj return str object Array str object Float32Array function isNumber obj var str Object prototype toString call obj return str object Number str object Boolean var tempMatrix new Matrix var resultMatrix new Matrix Shader prototype uniforms uniforms Set a uniform for each property of uniforms The correct gl uniform method is inferred from the value types and from the stored uniform sampler flags uniforms function uniforms gl useProgram this program for var name in uniforms var location this uniformLocations name gl getUniformLocation this program name if location continue this uniformLocations name location var value uniforms name if value instanceof Vector value value x value y value z else if value instanceof Matrix value value m if isArray value switch value length case 1 gl uniform1fv location new Float32Array value break case 2 gl uniform2fv location new Float32Array value break case 3 gl uniform3fv location new Float32Array value break case 4 gl uniform4fv location new Float32Array value break Matrices are automatically transposed since WebGL uses column major indices instead of row major indices case 9 gl uniformMatrix3fv location false new Float32Array value 0 value 3 value 6 value 1 value 4 value 7 value 2 value 5 value 8 break case 16 gl uniformMatrix4fv location false new Float32Array value 0 value 4 value 8 value 12 value 1 value 5 value 9 value 13 value 2 value 6 value 10 value 14 value 3 value 7 value 11 value 15 break default throw new Error don t know how to load uniform name of length value length else if isNumber value this isSampler name gl uniform1i gl uniform1f call gl location value else throw new Error attempted to set uniform name to invalid value value return this draw mesh mode Sets all uniform matrix attributes binds all relevant buffers and draws the mesh geometry as indexed triangles or indexed lines Set mode to gl LINES and either add indices to lines or call computeWireframe to draw the mesh in wireframe draw function mesh mode this drawBuffers mesh vertexBuffers mesh indexBuffers mode gl LINES lines triangles arguments length 2 gl TRIANGLES mode drawBuffers vertexBuffers indexBuffer mode Sets all uniform matrix attributes binds all relevant buffers and draws the indexed mesh geometry The vertexBuffers argument is a map from attribute names to Buffer objects of type gl ARRAY_BUFFER indexBuffer is a Buffer object of type gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER and mode is a WebGL primitive mode like gl TRIANGLES or gl LINES This method automatically creates and caches vertex attribute pointers for attributes as needed drawBuffers function vertexBuffers indexBuffer mode Only construct up the built in matrices we need for this shader var used this usedMatrices var MVM gl modelviewMatrix var PM gl projectionMatrix var MVMI used MVMI used NM MVM inverse null var PMI used PMI PM inverse null var MVPM used MVPM used MVPMI PM multiply MVM null var matrices if used MVM matrices used MVM MVM if used MVMI matrices used MVMI MVMI if used PM matrices used PM PM if used PMI matrices used PMI PMI if used MVPM matrices used MVPM MVPM if used MVPMI matrices used MVPMI MVPM inverse if used NM var m MVMI m matrices used NM m 0 m 4 m 8 m 1 m 5 m 9 m 2 m 6 m 10 this uniforms matrices Create and enable attribute pointers as necessary var length 0 for var attribute in vertexBuffers var buffer vertexBuffers attribute var location this attributes attribute gl getAttribLocation this program attribute replace gl_ LIGHTGL_PREFIX 1 if location 1 buffer buffer continue this attributes attribute location gl bindBuffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER buffer buffer gl enableVertexAttribArray location gl vertexAttribPointer location buffer buffer spacing gl FLOAT false 0 0 length buffer buffer length buffer buffer spacing Disable unused attribute pointers for var attribute in this attributes if attribute in vertexBuffers gl disableVertexAttribArray this attributes attribute Draw the geometry if length indexBuffer indexBuffer buffer if indexBuffer gl bindBuffer gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER indexBuffer buffer gl drawElements mode indexBuffer buffer length gl UNSIGNED_SHORT 0 else gl drawArrays mode 0 length return this return Shader src texture js Provides a simple wrapper around WebGL textures that supports render to texture new GL Texture width height options The arguments width and height give the size of the texture in texels WebGL texture dimensions must be powers of two unless filter is set to either gl NEAREST or gl LINEAR and wrap is set to gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE which they are by default Texture parameters can be passed in via the options argument Example usage var t new GL Texture 256 256 Defaults to gl LINEAR set both at once with filter magFilter gl NEAREST minFilter gl LINEAR Defaults to gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE set both at once with wrap wrapS gl REPEAT wrapT gl REPEAT format gl RGB Defaults to gl RGBA type gl FLOAT Defaults to gl UNSIGNED_BYTE function bindTexture gl function Texture width height options options options this id gl createTexture this width width this height height this format options format gl RGBA this type options type gl UNSIGNED_BYTE var magFilter options filter options magFilter gl LINEAR var minFilter options filter options minFilter gl LINEAR if this type gl FLOAT if Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures throw new Error OES_texture_float is required but not supported if minFilter gl NEAREST magFilter gl NEAREST Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering throw new Error OES_texture_float_linear is required but not supported else if this type gl HALF_FLOAT_OES if Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointTextures throw new Error OES_texture_half_float is required but not supported if minFilter gl NEAREST magFilter gl NEAREST Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointLinearFiltering throw new Error OES_texture_half_float_linear is required but not supported gl bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D this id gl pixelStorei gl UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL 1 gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER magFilter gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER minFilter gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_WRAP_S options wrap options wrapS gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE gl texParameteri gl TEXTURE_2D gl TEXTURE_WRAP_T options wrap options wrapT gl CLAMP_TO_EDGE gl texImage2D gl TEXTURE_2D 0 this format width height 0 this format this type options data null var framebuffer var renderbuffer var checkerboardCanvas Texture prototype bind unit Bind this texture to the given texture unit 0 7 defaults to 0 bind function unit gl activeTexture gl TEXTURE0 unit 0 gl bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D this id unbind unit Clear the given texture unit 0 7 defaults to 0 unbind function unit gl activeTexture gl TEXTURE0 unit 0 gl bindTexture gl TEXTURE_2D null canDrawTo Check if rendering to this texture is supported It may not be supported for floating point textures on some configurations canDrawTo function framebuffer framebuffer gl createFramebuffer gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER framebuffer gl framebufferTexture2D gl FRAMEBUFFER gl COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl TEXTURE_2D this id 0 var result gl checkFramebufferStatus gl FRAMEBUFFER gl FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER null return result drawTo callback Render all draw calls in callback to this texture This method sets up a framebuffer with this texture as the color attachment and a renderbuffer as the depth attachment It also temporarily changes the viewport to the size of the texture Example usage texture drawTo function gl clearColor 1 0 0 1 gl clear gl COLOR_BUFFER_BIT drawTo function callback var v gl getParameter gl VIEWPORT framebuffer framebuffer gl createFramebuffer renderbuffer renderbuffer gl createRenderbuffer gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER framebuffer gl bindRenderbuffer gl RENDERBUFFER renderbuffer if this width renderbuffer width this height renderbuffer height renderbuffer width this width renderbuffer height this height gl renderbufferStorage gl RENDERBUFFER gl DEPTH_COMPONENT16 this width this height gl framebufferTexture2D gl FRAMEBUFFER gl COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 gl TEXTURE_2D this id 0 gl framebufferRenderbuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER gl DEPTH_ATTACHMENT gl RENDERBUFFER renderbuffer if gl checkFramebufferStatus gl FRAMEBUFFER gl FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE throw new Error Rendering to this texture is not supported incomplete framebuffer gl viewport 0 0 this width this height callback gl bindFramebuffer gl FRAMEBUFFER null gl bindRenderbuffer gl RENDERBUFFER null gl viewport v 0 v 1 v 2 v 3 swapWith other Switch this texture with other useful for the ping pong rendering technique used in multi stage rendering swapWith function other var temp temp other id other id this id this id temp temp other width other width this width this width temp temp other height other height this height this height temp GL Texture fromImage image options Return a new image created from image an img tag Texture fromImage function image options options options var texture new Texture image width image height options try gl texImage2D gl TEXTURE_2D 0 texture format texture format texture type image catch e if location protocol file throw new Error image not loaded for security reasons serve this page over http instead else throw new Error image not loaded for security reasons image must originate from the same domain as this page or use Cross Origin Resource Sharing if options minFilter options minFilter gl NEAREST options minFilter gl LINEAR gl generateMipmap gl TEXTURE_2D return texture GL Texture fromURL url options Returns a checkerboard texture that will switch to the correct texture when it loads Texture fromURL function url options checkerboardCanvas checkerboardCanvas function var c document createElement canvas getContext 2d c canvas width c canvas height 128 for var y 0 y c canvas height y 16 for var x 0 x c canvas width x 16 c fillStyle x y 16 FFF DDD c fillRect x y 16 16 return c canvas var texture Texture fromImage checkerboardCanvas options var image new Image var context gl image onload function context makeCurrent Texture fromImage image options swapWith texture image src url return texture GL Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures Returns false if gl FLOAT is not supported as a texture type This is the OES_texture_float extension Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures function return gl getExtension OES_texture_float GL Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering Returns false if gl LINEAR is not supported as a texture filter mode for textures of type gl FLOAT This is the OES_texture_float_linear extension Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering function return gl getExtension OES_texture_float_linear GL Texture canUseFloatingPointTextures Returns false if gl HALF_FLOAT_OES is not supported as a texture type This is the OES_texture_half_float extension Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointTextures function return gl getExtension OES_texture_half_float GL Texture canUseFloatingPointLinearFiltering Returns false if gl LINEAR is not supported as a texture filter mode for textures of type gl HALF_FLOAT_OES This is the OES_texture_half_float_linear extension Texture canUseHalfFloatingPointLinearFiltering function return gl getExtension OES_texture_half_float_linear return Texture src vector js Provides a simple 3D vector class Vector operations can be done using member functions which return new vectors or static functions which reuse existing vectors to avoid generating garbage function Vector x y z this x x 0 this y y 0 this z z 0 Instance Methods The methods add subtract multiply and divide can all take either a vector or a number as an argument Vector prototype negative function return new Vector this x this y this z add function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v subtract function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v multiply function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v divide function v if v instanceof Vector return new Vector this x v x this y v y this z v z else return new Vector this x v this y v this z v equals function v return this x v x this y v y this z v z dot function v return this x v x this y v y this z v z cross function v return new Vector this y v z this z v y this z v x this x v z this x v y this y v x length function return Math sqrt this dot this unit function return this divide this length min function return Math min Math min this x this y this z max function return Math max Math max this x this y this z toAngles function return theta Math atan2 this z this x phi Math asin this y this length angleTo function a return Math acos this dot a this length a length toArray function n return this x this y this z slice 0 n 3 clone function return new Vector this x this y this z init function x y z this x x this y y this z z return this Static Methods Vector randomDirection returns a vector with a length of 1 and a statistically uniform direction Vector lerp performs linear interpolation between two vectors Vector negative function a b b x a x b y a y b z a z return b Vector add function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector subtract function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector multiply function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector divide function a b c if b instanceof Vector c x a x b x c y a y b y c z a z b z else c x a x b c y a y b c z a z b return c Vector cross function a b c c x a y b z a z b y c y a z b x a x b z c z a x b y a y b x return c Vector unit function a b var length a length b x a x length b y a y length b z a z length return b Vector fromAngles function theta phi return new Vector Math cos theta Math cos phi Math sin phi Math sin theta Math cos phi Vector randomDirection function return Vector fromAngles Math random Math PI 2 Math asin Math random 2 1 Vector min function a b return new Vector Math min a x b x Math min a y b y Math min a z b z Vector max function a b return new Vector Math max a x b x Math max a y b y Math max a z b z Vector lerp function a b fraction return b subtract a multiply fraction add a Vector fromArray function a return new Vector a 0 a 1 a 2 Vector angleBetween function a b return a angleTo b return GL 2D fluid simulation code window FluidSim function canvasId options options options options initVFn options initVFn sin 2 0 3 1415 y sin 2 0 3 1415 x options initCFn options initCFn step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 if options threshold undefined options threshold true if options advectV undefined options advectV true if options applyPressure undefined options applyPressure false if options showArrows undefined options showArrows true if options dyeSpots undefined options dyeSpots false For silly reasons these have to be equal for now This is because I assumed grid spacing was equal along each axis so if you want to change these to not be equal you d have to carefully go through the code and decide which values of EPSILON should be 1 WIDTH and which should be 1 HEIGHT var WIDTH options size 400 var HEIGHT WIDTH var EPSILON 1 WIDTH We assume every time step will be a 120th of a second The animation loop runs at 60 fps hopefully so we re simulating 2x slow mo var DELTA_T 1 120 0 We arbitrarily set our fluid s density to 1 this is rho in equations var DENSITY 1 0 var canvas document getElementById canvasId canvas style margin 0 auto canvas style display block var gl GL create canvas gl canvas width WIDTH gl canvas height HEIGHT gl viewport 0 0 gl canvas width gl canvas height Standard 2 triangle mesh covering the viewport when draw with gl TRIANGLE_STRIP var standardMesh gl Mesh load vertices 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 coords 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 var standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord void main textureCoord gl_TexCoord xy gl_Position gl_Vertex Given a texture holding a 2D velocity field draw arrows showing the direction of the fluid flow var drawVectorFieldArrows function var shader new gl Shader mat2 rot float angle float c cos angle float s sin angle return mat2 vec2 c s vec2 s c attribute vec2 position uniform sampler2D velocity void main vec2 v texture2D velocity position 1 0 2 0 xy float scale 0 05 length v float angle atan v y v x mat2 rotation rot angle gl_Position vec4 rotation scale gl_Vertex xy position 0 0 1 0 void main gl_FragColor vec4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Triangle pointing towards positive x axis with baseline on the y axis var triangleVertices 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 var arrowsMesh new gl Mesh triangles false arrowsMesh addVertexBuffer positions position var INTERVAL 30 for var i INTERVAL 2 i HEIGHT i INTERVAL for var j INTERVAL 2 j WIDTH j INTERVAL for var k 0 k 3 k arrowsMesh vertices push triangleVertices k arrowsMesh positions push 2 j WIDTH 1 2 i HEIGHT 1 arrowsMesh compile return function velocityTexture velocityTexture bind 0 shader uniforms velocity 0 shader draw arrowsMesh gl TRIANGLES Given glsl expressions for r g b a mapping x y a value return a function that will paint a color generated by that function evaluated at every pixel of the output buffer x y will be in the range 1 1 1 1 var makeFunctionPainter function r g b a r r 0 0 g g 0 0 b b 0 0 a a 0 0 var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord void main float x 2 0 textureCoord x 1 0 float y 2 0 textureCoord y 1 0 gl_FragColor vec4 r g b a join return function shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP var drawBlack makeFunctionPainter 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Draw a texture directly to the framebuffer Will stretch to fit but in practice the texture and the framebuffer should be the same size var drawTexture function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord uniform sampler2D inputTexture void main gl_FragColor texture2D inputTexture textureCoord return function inputTexture inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms input 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Draw a texture to the framebuffer thresholding at 0 5 var drawTextureThreshold function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc varying vec2 textureCoord uniform sampler2D inputTexture void main gl_FragColor step 0 5 texture2D inputTexture textureCoord return function inputTexture inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms input 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Given an velocity texture and a time delta advect the quantities in the input texture into the output texture var advect function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float deltaT uniform sampler2D inputTexture uniform sampler2D velocity varying vec2 textureCoord void main vec2 u texture2D velocity textureCoord xy vec2 pastCoord fract textureCoord 0 5 deltaT u gl_FragColor texture2D inputTexture pastCoord return function inputTexture velocityTexture inputTexture bind 0 velocityTexture bind 1 shader uniforms deltaT DELTA_T input 0 velocity 1 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Apply a splat of change to a given place with a given blob radius The effect of the splat has an exponential falloff var addSplat function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform vec4 change uniform vec2 center uniform float radius uniform sampler2D inputTex varying vec2 textureCoord void main float dx center x textureCoord x float dy center y textureCoord y vec4 cur texture2D inputTex textureCoord gl_FragColor cur change exp dx dx dy dy radius return function inputTexture change center radius inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms change change center center radius radius inputTex 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Make sure all the color components are between 0 and 1 var clampColors function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform sampler2D inputTex varying vec2 textureCoord void main gl_FragColor clamp texture2D inputTex textureCoord 0 0 1 0 return function inputTexture inputTexture bind 0 shader uniforms inputTex 0 shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Calculate the divergence of the advected velocity field and multiply by 2 epsilon rho deltaT var calcDivergence function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float deltaT Time between steps n uniform float rho Density n uniform float epsilon Distance between grid units n uniform sampler2D velocity Advected velocity field u_a n varying vec2 textureCoord vec2 u vec2 coord return texture2D velocity fract coord xy void main gl_FragColor vec4 2 0 epsilon rho deltaT u textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 x u textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 x u textureCoord vec2 0 epsilon y u textureCoord vec2 0 epsilon y 0 0 0 0 1 0 return function velocityTexture velocityTexture bind 0 shader uniforms velocity 0 epsilon EPSILON deltaT DELTA_T rho DENSITY shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Perform a single iteration of the Jacobi method in order to solve for pressure var jacobiIterationForPressure function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float epsilon Distance between grid units n uniform sampler2D divergence Divergence field of advected velocity d n uniform sampler2D pressure Pressure field from previous iteration p k 1 n varying vec2 textureCoord float d vec2 coord return texture2D divergence fract coord x float p vec2 coord return texture2D pressure fract coord x void main gl_FragColor vec4 0 25 d textureCoord p textureCoord vec2 2 0 epsilon 0 0 p textureCoord vec2 2 0 epsilon 0 0 p textureCoord vec2 0 0 2 0 epsilon p textureCoord vec2 0 0 2 0 epsilon 0 0 0 0 1 0 return function divergenceTexture pressureTexture divergenceTexture bind 0 pressureTexture bind 1 shader uniforms divergence 0 pressure 1 epsilon EPSILON shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP Subtract the pressure gradient times a constant from the advected velocity field var subtractPressureGradient function var shader new gl Shader standardVertexShaderSrc uniform float deltaT Time between steps n uniform float rho Density n uniform float epsilon Distance between grid units n uniform sampler2D velocity Advected velocity field u_a n uniform sampler2D pressure Solved pressure field n varying vec2 textureCoord float p vec2 coord return texture2D pressure fract coord x void main vec2 u_a texture2D velocity textureCoord xy float diff_p_x p textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 0 p textureCoord vec2 epsilon 0 0 float u_x u_a x deltaT 2 0 rho epsilon diff_p_x float diff_p_y p textureCoord vec2 0 0 epsilon p textureCoord vec2 0 0 epsilon float u_y u_a y deltaT 2 0 rho epsilon diff_p_y gl_FragColor vec4 u_x u_y 0 0 0 0 return function velocityTexture pressureTexture velocityTexture bind 0 pressureTexture bind 1 shader uniforms velocity 0 pressure 1 epsilon EPSILON deltaT DELTA_T rho DENSITY shader draw standardMesh gl TRIANGLE_STRIP var makeTextures function names var ret names forEach function name ret name new gl Texture WIDTH HEIGHT type gl FLOAT ret swap function a b var temp ret a ret a ret b ret b temp return ret var textures makeTextures velocity0 velocity1 color0 color1 divergence pressure0 pressure1 var initVFnPainter makeFunctionPainter options initVFn 0 options initVFn 1 var initCFnPainter makeFunctionPainter options initCFn 0 options initCFn 1 options initCFn 2 var reset function textures velocity0 drawTo initVFnPainter textures color0 drawTo initCFnPainter textures pressure0 drawTo drawBlack reset Reset the simulation on double click canvas addEventListener dblclick reset Returns true if the canvas is on the screen If middleIn is true then will only return true if the middle of the canvas is within the scroll window var onScreen function middleIn var container canvas offsetParent var canvasBottom canvas offsetTop canvas height var canvasTop canvas offsetTop var containerTop window scrollY var containerBottom window scrollY window innerHeight if middleIn return containerTop canvasTop canvasBottom 2 canvasTop canvasBottom 2 containerBottom else return containerTop canvasBottom containerBottom canvasTop gl ondraw function If the canvas isn t visible don t draw it if onScreen return gl clearColor 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 gl clear gl COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT if options threshold drawTextureThreshold textures color0 else drawTexture textures color0 if options showArrows drawVectorFieldArrows textures velocity0 gl onupdate function If the canvas isn t fully on screen don t run the simulation if onScreen true return if options advectV Advect the velocity texture through itself leaving the result in textures velocity0 textures velocity1 drawTo function advect textures velocity0 textures velocity0 textures swap velocity0 velocity1 if options applyPressure Calculate the divergence leaving the result in textures divergence textures divergence drawTo function calcDivergence textures velocity0 Calculate the pressure leaving the result in textures pressure0 var JACOBI_ITERATIONS 10 for var i 0 i JACOBI_ITERATIONS i textures pressure1 drawTo function jacobiIterationForPressure textures divergence textures pressure0 textures swap pressure0 pressure1 Subtract the pressure gradient from the advected velocity texture leaving the result in textures velocity0 textures velocity1 drawTo function subtractPressureGradient textures velocity0 textures pressure0 textures swap velocity0 velocity1 Advect the color field leaving the result in textures color0 textures color1 drawTo function advect textures color0 textures velocity0 textures swap color0 color1 if options dyeSpots Add a few spots slowly emitting dye to prevent the color from eventually converging to the grey ish average color of the whole fluid var addDyeSource function color location textures color1 drawTo function addSplat textures color0 color concat 0 0 location 0 01 textures swap color0 color1 Add red to bottom left addDyeSource 0 004 0 002 0 002 0 2 0 2 Add blue to the top middle addDyeSource 0 002 0 002 0 004 0 5 0 9 Add green to the bottom right addDyeSource 0 002 0 004 0 002 0 8 0 2 gl onmousemove function ev if ev dragging textures velocity1 drawTo function addSplat textures velocity0 10 0 ev deltaX WIDTH 10 0 ev deltaY HEIGHT 0 0 0 0 ev offsetX WIDTH 1 0 ev offsetY HEIGHT 0 01 textures swap velocity0 velocity1 gl animate let canvas document createElement canvas canvas id demo document body appendChild canvas canvas width canvas height 500 new FluidSim demo threshold false advectV true applyPressure true showArrows false initCFn step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 2 floor y 1 0 0 2 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 3 floor y 1 0 0 3 2 0 step 1 0 mod floor x 1 0 0 4 floor y 1 0 0 4 2 0 dyeSpots true size 600
