style body min height 700px padding 0 margin 0 display webkit box display ms flexbox display flex webkit box pack center ms flex pack center justify content center webkit box align center ms flex align center align items center background rgb 100 100 100 canvas position fixed top 50 left 50 webkit transform translate 50 50 transform translate 50 50 style script type text javascript src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs p5 js 0 5 7 p5 min js script script function setup createCanvas 700 700 textAlign CENTER CENTER rectMode CENTER angleMode DEGREES function draw background 0 var amount 6 var spacing 20 var radius 140 for var i 0 i amount i createNumberRing radius spacing i 30 10 i i drawTitleText drawSubtitleText drawWebsite function createNumberRing radius amount seed randomSeed seed var randomNumbers for var i 0 i amount i randomNumbers push parseInt random 2 10 var spacing 360 amount push translate width 2 height 2 var rotSpeed 0 05 rotate frameCount random rotSpeed rotSpeed for var i 0 i amount i push rotate i spacing var num new Num randomNumbers i 0 radius 0 90 random 50 255 num render pop pop function Num msg x y rot clr this x x this y y this rot rot this msg msg this color clr this render function push fill this color translate this x this y rotate this rot text this msg 0 0 pop function drawTitleText push translate width 2 height 2 var scaleFactor 0 5 var maxLimit 200 if frameCount maxLimit var currentScale map frameCount 0 maxLimit 0 scaleFactor scale 1 5 currentScale else scale 1 5 scaleFactor strokeWeight 2 stroke 255 fill 0 200 rect 0 0 210 30 fill 255 noStroke textFont Arial text DATA MINING MACHING LEARNING 0 0 pop function drawSubtitleText push translate width 2 height 2 50 scale 1 3 push fill ed225d textFont Arial var msg Learning with Python text msg 0 0 pop pop function drawWebsite push translate width 2 height 0 95 scale 1 2 push textFont Verdana var msg f27dl github io fill fff textSize 12 text msg 0 0 pop pop setup console log ready script div id content
adius 0 90 random 50 255 num render pop pop function Num msg x y rot clr this x x this y y this rot rot this msg msg this color clr this render function push fill this color translate this x this y rotate this rot text this msg 0 0 pop function drawTitleText push translate width 2 height 2 var scaleFactor 0 5 var maxLimit 200 if frameCount maxLimit var currentScale map frameCount 0 maxLimit 0 scaleFactor scale 1 5 currentScale else scale 1 5 scaleFactor strokeWeight 2 stroke 255 fill 0 200 rect 0 0 210 30 fill 255 noStroke textFont Arial text DATA MINING MACHING LEARNING 0 0 pop function drawSubtitleText push translate width 2 height 2 50 scale 1 3 push fill ed225d textFont Arial var msg Learning with Python text msg 0 0 pop pop function drawWebsite push translate width 2 height 0 95 scale 1 2 push textFont Verdana var msg f27dl github io fill fff textSize 12 text msg 0 0 pop pop setup console log ready script div id content