style body height 500px max height 500px overflow scroll Show scrollbars widgets position relative background attachment fixed background position center background repeat no repeat background image url https scienceworld scholastic com content dam classroom magazines scienceworld issues 2019 20 031620 crazy contraption SW 031620 CrazyContraptions Medium1 jpg min height 100 background size cover info widgets background color rgb 200 200 180 min height 100 style div class info Once upon a time br Lots of text and images all nested inside a div div div class widgets div div class info Widgets are br Seperated by a background parallex image effect as the page scrolls D div div class widgets style background image url https venturebeat com wp content uploads 2017 01 computer vision jpg fit 2048 2C1281 strip all div
background color rgb 200 200 180 min height 100 style div class info Once upon a time br Lots of text and images all nested inside a div div div class widgets div div class info Widgets are br Seperated by a background parallex image effect as the page scrolls D div div class widgets style background image url https venturebeat com wp content uploads 2017 01 computer vision jpg fit 2048 2C1281 strip all div