Playground for HTML CSS JS Minimum working example give you a taste of how easy it s to write your own editor playground Springboard for bigger things add loader save syntax highlighting line numbers etc The working example below is about 100 lines and looks really good of course to keep it simple while making it look nice tab buttons bootstrap has been used but you can take those extra externals out and it should still work only included for styling look link rel stylesheet href https maxcdn bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 4 1 css bootstrap min css script src https ajax googleapis com ajax libs jquery 3 5 1 jquery min js script script src https maxcdn bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 4 1 js bootstrap min js script style textarea background color rgba 200 200 200 0 2 width 100 height 350px iframe background color rgba 100 100 100 0 2 width 100 height 350px style div class container h3 Playground for HTML CSS JS h3 ul class nav nav tabs li class nav item a class nav link href html data toggle tab HTML a li li class nav item a class nav link href css data toggle tab CSS a li li class nav item a class nav link href js data toggle tab JS a li li class nav item active a class nav link active href out data toggle tab OUT a li ul div class tab content div class tab pane fade id html p textarea style float left id htmlTextarea textarea p div div class tab pane fade id css p textarea style float left id cssTextarea textarea p div div class tab pane fade id js p textarea style float left id jsTextarea textarea p div div class tab pane fade in active id out p iframe id iFrame iframe p div div div script const getEl id document getElementById id const iFrame getEl iFrame contentWindow document const htmlTextArea getEl htmlTextarea const cssTextArea getEl cssTextarea const jsTextArea getEl jsTextarea function htmlTextArea value b Welcome to Notebook Coding Playground b updateiframe document body onkeyup function updateiframe function updateiframe iFrame open iFrame writeln htmlTextArea value style cssTextArea value style script jsTextArea value script iFrame close console log Playground ready script Double click tabs to edit the details e g associate names or files with specific tabs link rel stylesheet href code jquery com ui 1 13 0 themes base jquery ui css script src https code jquery com jquery 3 6 0 js script script src https code jquery com ui 1 13 0 jquery ui js script style body height 150px input type text display none width 120px a display block style div id mytabs ul li class tab input class txt type text a href tab1 index html a li li class tab input class txt type text a href tab2 style css a li li class tab input class txt type text a href tab3 script js a li ul div id tab1 p p div div id tab2 p p div div id tab3 p p div div script function var tabs mytabs tabs tabs find ui tabs nav sortable axis x stop function tabs tabs refresh tab on dblclick function this find input toggle val this find a html focus this find a toggle tab on blur input function this toggle this siblings a toggle html this val console log Editable tabs try double clicking them script Script to dynamically add remove tabs link rel stylesheet href https maxcdn bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 4 1 css bootstrap min css script src https ajax googleapis com ajax libs jquery 3 5 1 jquery min js script script src https maxcdn bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 4 1 js bootstrap min js script style body height 150px container margin top 10px nav tabs li position relative nav tabs li a display inline block nav tabs li span display none cursor pointer position absolute right 6px top 8px color red nav tabs li hover span display inline block style div class container ul class nav nav tabs role tablist li class active a href tab1 data toggle tab Page 1 a span x span li li a href tab2 data toggle tab Page 2 a span x span li li a href class add contact a li ul div class tab content div class tab pane active id tab1 p Page content 1 p div div class tab pane id tab2 p Page content 2 p div div div script nav tabs on click a function e e preventDefault if this hasClass add contact this tab show on click span function var anchor this siblings a anchor attr href remove this parent remove nav tabs li children a first click add contact click function e e preventDefault var id nav tabs children length think about it var tabId tab id Math round Math random 1000 this closest li before li a href tabId New Tab a span x span li tab content append div class tab pane id tabId New page tabId div nav tabs li nth child id a click console log Dynamic tags try adding removing tags script Manage data from multiple tabs of various formats using different ways script Blob to URL var blobData once upon a time var myBlob new Blob blobData type plain text var blobURL URL createObjectURL myBlob console log blobURL blobURL script Might be easier to add the data as scripts tags with a custom type won t be parsed as a JavaScript file script type data id index html Some test data script script Grab the contents of the script when you need it let data document getElementById index html text console log data data script redirect the console output catch messages to a console and display them in a console tab oldConsole oldConsole warn console warn console warn function text oldConsole warn text Your code console log warn text oldConsole info console info console info function text oldConsole info text Your code console log info text oldConsole error console error console error function text oldConsole error text Your code console log error text Then redefine the old console window console console console warn some warning console info some info console error some error
toggle val this find a html focus this find a toggle tab on blur input function this toggle this siblings a toggle html this val console log Editable tabs try double clicking them script Script to dynamically add remove tabs link rel stylesheet href https maxcdn bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 4 1 css bootstrap min css script src https ajax googleapis com ajax libs jquery 3 5 1 jquery min js script script src https maxcdn bootstrapcdn com bootstrap 3 4 1 js bootstrap min js script style body height 150px container margin top 10px nav tabs li position relative nav tabs li a display inline block nav tabs li span display none cursor pointer position absolute right 6px top 8px color red nav tabs li hover span display inline block style div class container ul class nav nav tabs role tablist li class active a href tab1 data toggle tab Page 1 a span x span li li a href tab2 data toggle tab Page 2 a span x span li li a href class add contact a li ul div class tab content div class tab pane active id tab1 p Page content 1 p div div class tab pane id tab2 p Page content 2 p div div div script nav tabs on click a function e e preventDefault if this hasClass add contact this tab show on click span function var anchor this siblings a anchor attr href remove this parent remove nav tabs li children a first click add contact click function e e preventDefault var id nav tabs children length think about it var tabId tab id Math round Math random 1000 this closest li before li a href tabId New Tab a span x span li tab content append div class tab pane id tabId New page tabId div nav tabs li nth child id a click console log Dynamic tags try adding removing tags script Manage data from multiple tabs of various formats using different ways script Blob to URL var blobData once upon a time var myBlob new Blob blobData type plain text var blobURL URL createObjectURL myBlob console log blobURL blobURL script Might be easier to add the data as scripts tags with a custom type won t be parsed as a JavaScript file script type data id index html Some test data script script Grab the contents of the script when you need it let data document getElementById index html text console log data data script redirect the console output catch messages to a console and display them in a console tab oldConsole oldConsole warn console warn console warn function text oldConsole warn text Your code console log warn text oldConsole info console info console info function text oldConsole info text Your code console log info text oldConsole error console error console error function text oldConsole error text Your code console log error text Then redefine the old console window console console console warn some warning console info some info console error some error