style tr td border 1px solid green td nth child odd background color yellow tr nth child odd background color orange style script let table document createElement table document body appendChild table for let x 0 x 20 x let tr table insertRow 1 for let y 0 y 20 y let td tr insertCell 1 td innerHTML x 20 y script hover version style table background color transparent border collapse collapse overflow hidden td th padding 10px position relative tr hover background color rgba 255 255 0 0 5 td hover after background color rgba 255 255 0 0 5 content position absolute top 1000 height 5000 left 0 width 100 style script let table document createElement table document body appendChild table for let x 0 x 10 x let tr table insertRow 1 for let y 0 y 10 y let td tr insertCell 1 td innerHTML x 20 y script click to focus row column style table background color transparent border collapse collapse overflow hidden td th padding 10px position relative td focus before background color rgba 255 255 0 0 5 content position absolute height 100 top 0 width 2000px left 1000px td focus after background color rgba 255 255 0 0 5 content position absolute top 1000px height 2000px left 0 width 100 style script let table document createElement table document body appendChild table for let x 0 x 10 x let tr table insertRow 1 tr setAttribute tabindex x for let y 0 y 10 y let td tr insertCell 1 td setAttribute tabindex y td innerHTML x 20 y script
for let y 0 y 10 y let td tr insertCell 1 td innerHTML x 20 y script click to focus row column style table background color transparent border collapse collapse overflow hidden td th padding 10px position relative td focus before background color rgba 255 255 0 0 5 content position absolute height 100 top 0 width 2000px left 1000px td focus after background color rgba 255 255 0 0 5 content position absolute top 1000px height 2000px left 0 width 100 style script let table document createElement table document body appendChild table for let x 0 x 10 x let tr table insertRow 1 tr setAttribute tabindex x for let y 0 y 10 y let td tr insertCell 1 td setAttribute tabindex y td innerHTML x 20 y script