DOCTYPE html html xmlns http www w3 org 1999 xhtml lang en head title WebGL title meta charset utf 8 head body canvas id canvas width 640 height 480 Your browser doesn t appear to support the HTML5 b canvas b element canvas script function createShader str type var shader gl createShader type gl shaderSource shader str gl compileShader shader if gl getShaderParameter shader gl COMPILE_STATUS throw gl getShaderInfoLog shader return shader function createProgram vstr fstr var program gl createProgram var vshader createShader vstr gl VERTEX_SHADER var fshader createShader fstr gl FRAGMENT_SHADER gl attachShader program vshader gl attachShader program fshader gl linkProgram program if gl getProgramParameter program gl LINK_STATUS throw gl getProgramInfoLog program return program function de2ra deg return deg Math PI 180 Helper mult translate var Matrix4 function m this M m new Float32Array 16 this set function x val this M x val this get function x return this M x this mult function b var 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model gl getUniformLocation program model view gl getUniformLocation program view gl uniformMatrix4fv perspective false Matrix4 perspective3 45 window innerWidth window innerHeight 0 1 10000 var temp 0 function update temp 0 003 gl clear gl COLOR_BUFFER_BIT gl DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT gl useProgram program gl enableVertexAttribArray program pos gl bindBuffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER vertexPosBuffer gl bindBuffer gl ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER indexBuffer gl vertexAttribPointer program pos 3 gl FLOAT false 0 0 gl enableVertexAttribArray program norm gl bindBuffer gl ARRAY_BUFFER normalBuffer gl vertexAttribPointer program norm 3 gl FLOAT false 0 0 var rx new Matrix4 Matrix4 rotate temp 0 0 0 var ry new Matrix4 Matrix4 rotate temp 0 1 0 var rz new Matrix4 Matrix4 rotate temp 0 0 1 var obj rx mult ry mult rz gl uniformMatrix4fv model false obj M gl uniformMatrix4fv view false Matrix4 translate 0 0 3 gl drawElements gl TRIANGLES cubeObject indices length gl UNSIGNED_SHORT 0 setInterval update 10 script body html