Hex View GIF style body min height 800px body background color white style script src https ajax googleapis com ajax libs jquery 1 4 4 jquery min js type text javascript script script src https notebook xbdev net var scripts hex0r js type text javascript script link rel stylesheet type text css href https notebook xbdev net var scripts hex0r css div id hexx class hexwindow data row width 16 data word size 1 data row break 8 data trim true data base64 true data caption GIF base 64 file data highlights data show line nums true Some data to show in the viewer div script const imageUrlToBase64 async url const response await fetch url const blob await response blob return new Promise onSuccess onError try const reader new FileReader reader onload function onSuccess this result reader readAsDataURL blob catch e onError e async function updateHexWindow let base64uri await imageUrlToBase64 https notebook xbdev net var images cross8x8 gif remove starting data image gif base64 R0l var base64raw base64uri split 1 console log base64raw let bb document getElementById hexx bb innerHTML base64raw div hexwindow each function index markup_hex0rwindow this index updateHexWindow script button onclick updateHexWindow Update Hex Window button
ob return new Promise onSuccess onError try const reader new FileReader reader onload function onSuccess this result reader readAsDataURL blob catch e onError e async function updateHexWindow let base64uri await imageUrlToBase64 https notebook xbdev net var images cross8x8 gif remove starting data image gif base64 R0l var base64raw base64uri split 1 console log base64raw let bb document getElementById hexx bb innerHTML base64raw div hexwindow each function index markup_hex0rwindow this index updateHexWindow script button onclick updateHexWindow Update Hex Window button