GLTF is a popular 3d model format minimal example uses the three gltfLoader to parse the file then pass the data to WebGPU program for process rendering script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs three js r126 three min js integrity sha512 n8IpKWzDnBOcBhRlHirMZOUvEq2bLRMuJGjuVqbzUJwtTsgwOgK5aS0c1JA647XWYfqvXve8k3PtZdzpipFjgg crossorigin anonymous script script src https unpkg com three 0 126 0 examples js loaders GLTFLoader js script script document body style minHeight 700px async let modelurl https raw githubusercontent com marcofugaro shrimpc at a72fa0ccd56a9eb42316e422bfb3598c5f7c94d9 public assets van gltf let promise await fetch modelurl let text await promise text console log text text length const gltfLoader new THREE GLTFLoader console log gltfLoader gltfLoader let path https raw githubusercontent com marcofugaro shrimpc at a72fa0ccd56a9eb42316e422bfb3598c5f7c94d9 public assets var objects async function Load return new Promise async resolve reject parse function data path onLoad onError await gltfLoader parse text path async function gltf console log loaded gltf scene traverse function child if child isMesh let index child geometry index let normal child geometry attributes normal let position child geometry attributes position let tangent child geometry attributes tangent let uv child geometry attributes tangent objects push v position array f index array n normal array resolve finished function ee console log error await Load console log finished loading processing let middle null let dist null function processObjFile console log processObjFile console log num meshes objects length console log vertices objects 0 v length console log faces objects 0 f length console log normals objects 0 n length get some bounds for the model doesn t go off screen let min x 10000 y 10000 z 10000 let max x 10000 y 10000 z 10000 for let i 0 i objects 0 v length 3 i min x Math min min x objects 0 v i 3 0 min y Math min min y objects 0 v i 3 1 min z Math min min z objects 0 v i 3 2 if i 10 console log objects 0 v i 3 0 max x Math max max x objects 0 v i 3 0 max y Math max max y objects 0 v i 3 1 max z Math max max z objects 0 v i 3 2 let delta x max x min x y max y min y z max z min z middle x min x delta x 0 5 y min y delta y 0 5 z min z delta z 0 5 dist Math sqrt delta x delta x delta y delta y delta z delta z console log model size dist console log min min x min y min z console log max max x max y max z console log middle middle x middle y middle z processObjFile var script document createElement script script type text javascript script async false script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs gl matrix 2 6 0 gl matrix min js document head appendChild script let canvas document createElement canvas document body appendChild canvas canvas width 600 canvas height 600 const adapter await navigator gpu requestAdapter const device await adapter requestDevice const context canvas getContext webgpu const presentationSize canvas width 1 canvas height 1 const presentationFormat navigator gpu getPreferredCanvasFormat context getPreferredFormat adapter no longer supported let translateMat mat4 create let rotateXMat mat4 create let rotateYMat mat4 create let rotateZMat mat4 create let scaleMat mat4 create const projectionMatrix mat4 create const viewMatrix mat4 create const modelMatrix mat4 create const viewProjectionMatrix mat4 create const modelRotation mat4 create const rotation 0 0 0 const uniformBuffer device createBuffer size 192 3 x mat4x4 3x64 192 usage GPUBufferUsage UNIFORM GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST function updateMatrices mat4 perspective projectionMatrix Math PI 2 canvas width canvas height 0 001 1500 0 mat4 lookAt viewMatrix 0 0 dist 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 mat4 multiply viewProjectionMatrix projectionMatrix viewMatrix device queue writeBuffer uniformBuffer 64 viewProjectionMatrix updateMatrices const sceneUniformBindGroupLayout device createBindGroupLayout entries binding 0 visibility GPUShaderStage VERTEX buffer type uniform const sceneUniformBindGroup device createBindGroup layout sceneUniformBindGroupLayout entries binding 0 resource buffer uniformBuffer context configure device device compositingAlphaMode opaque format presentationFormat size presentationSize const vertWGSL struct Uniforms modelMatrix mat4x4 f32 modelViewProjectionMatrix mat4x4 f32 modelRotation mat4x4 f32 binding 0 group 0 var uniform uniforms Uniforms struct VSOut builtin position Position vec4 f32 location 0 position vec3 f32 location 1 normal vec3 f32 vertex fn main location 0 inPos vec3 f32 location 1 normal vec3 f32 VSOut var vsOut VSOut vsOut Position uniforms modelViewProjectionMatrix uniforms modelMatrix vec4 f32 inPos 1 0 vsOut position uniforms modelMatrix vec4 f32 inPos 1 0 xyz let n normalize normal let tiM uniforms modelRotation transpose uniforms modelRotation let fN tiM vec4 f32 n 0 0 xyz vsOut normal fN uniforms modelMatrix vec4 f32 n 0 0 xyz return vsOut const fragWGSL fragment fn main location 0 position vec3 f32 location 1 normal vec3 f32 location 0 vec4 f32 color channels are clamped 0 1 0 0 0 is black and 1 1 1 is completely white normalized vector components are in the range 1 1 normal facing the camera 0 0 1 should be rgb values 0 5 0 5 1 0 let normalCol normalize normal 0 5 0 5 return vec4 f32 normalCol 1 0 1 0 let positionCol abs normalize position return vec4 f32 positionCol 1 0 1 0 let diffuse max 0 0 dot normal vec3 f32 0 0 0 2 1 0 return vec4 f32 diffuse diffuse diffuse 1 0 return vec4 f32 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 let positions null let normals null let indices null var positionBuffer null var normalBuffer null var indexBuffer null put the buffer creation update inside a function so it can be changed dynamically after loaded running function createBuffers console log creating buffers positions new Float32Array objects 0 v normals new Float32Array objects 0 n indices new Uint32Array objects 0 f if we don t have normals let s use the position data if objects 0 n length 0 normals new Float32Array objects 0 v positionBuffer device createBuffer size positions byteLength 3 3 usage GPUBufferUsage VERTEX GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST normalBuffer device createBuffer size normals byteLength 3 3 usage GPUBufferUsage VERTEX GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST indexBuffer device createBuffer size indices byteLength 3 3 usage GPUBufferUsage INDEX GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST device queue writeBuffer positionBuffer 0 positions device queue writeBuffer normalBuffer 0 normals device queue writeBuffer indexBuffer 0 indices createBuffers const pipeline device createRenderPipeline layout device createPipelineLayout bindGroupLayouts sceneUniformBindGroupLayout vertex module device createShaderModule code vertWGSL entryPoint main buffers arrayStride 12 attributes shaderLocation 0 format float32x3 offset 0 arrayStride 12 attributes shaderLocation 1 format float32x3 offset 0 fragment module device createShaderModule code fragWGSL entryPoint main targets format presentationFormat primitive topology triangle list frontFace ccw cullMode back depthStencil format depth24plus depthWriteEnabled true depthCompare less const texture device createTexture size presentationSize sampleCount 4 format presentationFormat usage GPUTextureUsage RENDER_ATTACHMENT const view texture createView const depthTexture device createTexture size canvas width canvas height 1 format depth24plus usage GPUTextureUsage RENDER_ATTACHMENT const renderPassDescription colorAttachments view context getCurrentTexture createView loadOp clear clearValue 0 0 0 8 0 8 1 clear screen storeOp store depthStencilAttachment view depthTexture createView depthLoadOp clear depthClearValue 1 depthStoreOp store stencilLoadValue 0 stencilStoreOp store function frame function xformMatrix xform translate rotate scale xrot translate translate 0 0 0 rotate rotate 0 0 0 scale scale 1 1 1 mat4 fromTranslation translateMat translate mat4 fromXRotation rotateXMat rotate 0 mat4 fromYRotation rotateYMat rotate 1 mat4 fromZRotation rotateZMat rotate 2 mat4 fromScaling scaleMat scale mat4 multiply xform translateMat scaleMat mat4 multiply xform rotateXMat xform mat4 multiply xform rotateYMat xform mat4 multiply xform rotateZMat xform mat4 multiply xrot rotateXMat scaleMat mat4 multiply xrot rotateYMat xrot mat4 multiply xrot rotateZMat xrot rotation 1 0 005 rotation 0 0 002 let translate middle x middle y middle z xformMatrix modelMatrix translate rotation null modelRotation device queue writeBuffer uniformBuffer 0 modelMatrix device queue writeBuffer uniformBuffer 128 modelRotation renderPassDescription colorAttachments 0 view context getCurrentTexture createView const commandEncoder device createCommandEncoder const renderPass commandEncoder beginRenderPass renderPassDescription renderPass setPipeline pipeline renderPass setVertexBuffer 0 positionBuffer renderPass setVertexBuffer 1 normalBuffer renderPass setIndexBuffer indexBuffer uint32 renderPass setBindGroup 0 sceneUniformBindGroup renderPass drawIndexed objects 0 f length 1 renderPass end device queue submit commandEncoder finish requestAnimationFrame frame frame more controlled updates onmousemove function frame console log ready script
wProjectionMatrix uniforms modelMatrix vec4 f32 inPos 1 0 vsOut position uniforms modelMatrix vec4 f32 inPos 1 0 xyz let n normalize normal let tiM uniforms modelRotation transpose uniforms modelRotation let fN tiM vec4 f32 n 0 0 xyz vsOut normal fN uniforms modelMatrix vec4 f32 n 0 0 xyz return vsOut const fragWGSL fragment fn main location 0 position vec3 f32 location 1 normal vec3 f32 location 0 vec4 f32 color channels are clamped 0 1 0 0 0 is black and 1 1 1 is completely white normalized vector components are in the range 1 1 normal facing the camera 0 0 1 should be rgb values 0 5 0 5 1 0 let normalCol normalize normal 0 5 0 5 return vec4 f32 normalCol 1 0 1 0 let positionCol abs normalize position return vec4 f32 positionCol 1 0 1 0 let diffuse max 0 0 dot normal vec3 f32 0 0 0 2 1 0 return vec4 f32 diffuse diffuse diffuse 1 0 return vec4 f32 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 let positions null let normals null let indices null var positionBuffer null var normalBuffer null var indexBuffer null put the buffer creation update inside a function so it can be changed dynamically after loaded running function createBuffers console log creating buffers positions new Float32Array objects 0 v normals new Float32Array objects 0 n indices new Uint32Array objects 0 f if we don t have normals let s use the position data if objects 0 n length 0 normals new Float32Array objects 0 v positionBuffer device createBuffer size positions byteLength 3 3 usage GPUBufferUsage VERTEX GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST normalBuffer device createBuffer size normals byteLength 3 3 usage GPUBufferUsage VERTEX GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST indexBuffer device createBuffer size indices byteLength 3 3 usage GPUBufferUsage INDEX GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST device queue writeBuffer positionBuffer 0 positions device queue writeBuffer normalBuffer 0 normals device queue writeBuffer indexBuffer 0 indices createBuffers const pipeline device createRenderPipeline layout device createPipelineLayout bindGroupLayouts sceneUniformBindGroupLayout vertex module device createShaderModule code vertWGSL entryPoint main buffers arrayStride 12 attributes shaderLocation 0 format float32x3 offset 0 arrayStride 12 attributes shaderLocation 1 format float32x3 offset 0 fragment module device createShaderModule code fragWGSL entryPoint main targets format presentationFormat primitive topology triangle list frontFace ccw cullMode back depthStencil format depth24plus depthWriteEnabled true depthCompare less const texture device createTexture size presentationSize sampleCount 4 format presentationFormat usage GPUTextureUsage RENDER_ATTACHMENT const view texture createView const depthTexture device createTexture size canvas width canvas height 1 format depth24plus usage GPUTextureUsage RENDER_ATTACHMENT const renderPassDescription colorAttachments view context getCurrentTexture createView loadOp clear clearValue 0 0 0 8 0 8 1 clear screen storeOp store depthStencilAttachment view depthTexture createView depthLoadOp clear depthClearValue 1 depthStoreOp store stencilLoadValue 0 stencilStoreOp store function frame function xformMatrix xform translate rotate scale xrot translate translate 0 0 0 rotate rotate 0 0 0 scale scale 1 1 1 mat4 fromTranslation translateMat translate mat4 fromXRotation rotateXMat rotate 0 mat4 fromYRotation rotateYMat rotate 1 mat4 fromZRotation rotateZMat rotate 2 mat4 fromScaling scaleMat scale mat4 multiply xform translateMat scaleMat mat4 multiply xform rotateXMat xform mat4 multiply xform rotateYMat xform mat4 multiply xform rotateZMat xform mat4 multiply xrot rotateXMat scaleMat mat4 multiply xrot rotateYMat xrot mat4 multiply xrot rotateZMat xrot rotation 1 0 005 rotation 0 0 002 let translate middle x middle y middle z xformMatrix modelMatrix translate rotation null modelRotation device queue writeBuffer uniformBuffer 0 modelMatrix device queue writeBuffer uniformBuffer 128 modelRotation renderPassDescription colorAttachments 0 view context getCurrentTexture createView const commandEncoder device createCommandEncoder const renderPass commandEncoder beginRenderPass renderPassDescription renderPass setPipeline pipeline renderPass setVertexBuffer 0 positionBuffer renderPass setVertexBuffer 1 normalBuffer renderPass setIndexBuffer indexBuffer uint32 renderPass setBindGroup 0 sceneUniformBindGroup renderPass drawIndexed objects 0 f length 1 renderPass end device queue submit commandEncoder finish requestAnimationFrame frame frame more controlled updates onmousemove function frame console log ready script