Hack fix usig regular expressions for bib files exported format note 124 cites https scholar google com scholar cites 12361449901664109076 as_sdt 2005 sciodt 2007 hl en to numcites 124 notes2 124 cites regular expression would be something like this note 0 9 cites see https timeline xbdev net let re note 0 9 cites g let txt abstract Caustics are a highly desirable physical phenomenon in systems however real time caustics remain open to more space approach to real time rendering of caustics Our algorithm has note 124 cites https scholar google com scholar cites 12361449901664109076 as_sdt 2005 sciodt 2007 hl en note Query date 2023 03 17 14 02 30 abstract We present a new algorithm to render caustics The algorithm discretizes the specular surfaces It allows to render caustics in fully dynamic scenes in real time on current PC hardware note 72 cites https scholar google com scholar cites 4420732274926058298 as_sdt 2005 sciodt 2007 hl en note Query date 2023 03 17 14 02 30 let txt2 txt replaceAll re numcites 1 n notes console log txt2
124 cites https scholar google com scholar cites 12361449901664109076 as_sdt 2005 sciodt 2007 hl en note Query date 2023 03 17 14 02 30 abstract We present a new algorithm to render caustics The algorithm discretizes the specular surfaces It allows to render caustics in fully dynamic scenes in real time on current PC hardware note 72 cites https scholar google com scholar cites 4420732274926058298 as_sdt 2005 sciodt 2007 hl en note Query date 2023 03 17 14 02 30 let txt2 txt replaceAll re numcites 1 n notes console log txt2