WebGPU Demo var script document createElement script script type text javascript script async false script src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs gl matrix 2 6 0 gl matrix min js document head appendChild script const canvas document createElement canvas document body appendChild canvas canvas width canvas height 512 console log canvas width canvas height const context canvas getContext webgpu const gpu navigator gpu console log gpu gpu const adapter await gpu requestAdapter const device await adapter requestDevice const devicePixelRatio 1 1 const presentationSize canvas clientWidth devicePixelRatio canvas clientHeight devicePixelRatio const presentationFormat navigator gpu getPreferredCanvasFormat context getPreferredFormat adapter no longer supported console log presentationFormat context configure device device format presentationFormat size presentationSize var vertWGSL struct VSOut builtin position Position vec4 f32 location 0 uvs vec2 f32 vertex fn main builtin vertex_index VertexIndex u32 VSOut var s 0 9 var pos array vec2 f32 4 vec2 f32 s s vec2 f32 s s vec2 f32 s s vec2 f32 s s s 1 0 var uvs array vec2 f32 4 vec2 f32 s s vec2 f32 s s vec2 f32 s s vec2 f32 s s var vsOut VSOut vsOut Position vec4 f32 pos VertexIndex 0 0 1 0 vsOut uvs uvs VertexIndex 0 5 0 5 0 1 return vsOut var fragWGSL struct Uniforms mytimer f32 group 0 binding 0 var mySampler sampler group 0 binding 1 var myTexture texture_2d f32 group 0 binding 2 var uniform uniforms Uniforms fn wrap x f32 a f32 s f32 f32 var xx x s return xx a floor xx a s fn TransA z vec2 f32 a f32 b f32 vec2 f32 var iR 1 dot z z var zz z iR zz x b zz x zz y a zz y return zz fn JosKleinian zin vec2 f32 f32 var z zin var iTime uniforms mytimer var box_size_x 1 0 var lz z vec2 f32 1 var llz z vec2 f32 1 var flag 0 var KleinR 1 8462756 1 958591 1 8462756 0 5 0 5 1 958591 1 8462756 sin iTime 0 2 var KleinI 0 09627581 0 0112786 0 09627581 0 5 0 5 0 0112786 0 09627581 sin iTime 0 2 var a KleinR var b KleinI var f sign b 1 for var i 0 i 150 i i 1 z x z x f b a z y z x wrap z x 2 box_size_x box_size_x z x z x f b a z y If above the separation line rotate by 180 about b 2 a 2 if z y a 0 5 f 2 a 1 95 4 sign z x b 0 5 1 exp 7 2 1 95 a 15 abs z x b 0 5 z vec2 f32 b a z Apply transformation a z TransA z a b If the iterated points enters a 2 cycle bail out if dot z llz z llz 0 00001 break if the iterated point gets outside z y 0 and z y a if z y 0 z y a flag 1 break Store prvious iterates llz lz lz z return flag fragment fn main location 0 uvs vec2 f32 location 0 vec4 f32 var background1Color textureSample myTexture mySampler uvs xyz var color3 vec3 f32 0 2 0 6 0 0 var uv uvs uv 1 99 uv vec2 f32 0 42 0 var hit JosKleinian uv var c 1 hit background1Color hit color3 var fragColor vec4 f32 c 1 0 return fragColor let textureSampler device createSampler minFilter linear magFilter linear const img document createElement img img src https notebook xbdev net var images test512 png await img decode const basicTexture device createTexture size img width img height 1 format presentationFormat bgra8unorm rgba8unorm usage 0x2 0x4 GPUTextureUsage COPY_DST GPUTextureUsage TEXTURE_BINDING const imageCanvas document createElement canvas imageCanvas width img width imageCanvas height img height const imageCanvasContext imageCanvas getContext 2d imageCanvasContext drawImage img 0 0 imageCanvas width imageCanvas height const imageData imageCanvasContext getImageData 0 0 imageCanvas width imageCanvas height let textureData new Uint8Array img width img height 4 for let x 0 x img width img height 4 x textureData x imageData data x device queue writeTexture texture basicTexture textureData offset 0 bytesPerRow img width 4 rowsPerImage img height img width img height 1 const timerUniformBuffer device createBuffer size 4 usage GPUBufferUsage UNIFORM GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST const timestep new Float32Array 3 14 device queue writeBuffer timerUniformBuffer 0 timestep const sceneUniformBindGroupLayout device createBindGroupLayout entries binding 0 visibility GPUShaderStage FRAGMENT sampler type filtering binding 1 visibility GPUShaderStage FRAGMENT texture sampleType float viewDimension 2d binding 2 visibility GPUShaderStage FRAGMENT buffer type uniform const uniformBindGroup device createBindGroup layout sceneUniformBindGroupLayout entries binding 0 resource textureSampler binding 1 resource basicTexture createView binding 2 resource buffer timerUniformBuffer const pipeline device createRenderPipeline layout device createPipelineLayout bindGroupLayouts sceneUniformBindGroupLayout vertex module device createShaderModule code vertWGSL entryPoint main fragment module device createShaderModule code fragWGSL entryPoint main targets format presentationFormat primitive topology triangle strip frontFace ccw cullMode back stripIndexFormat uint32 GPURenderPassDescriptor const renderPassDescriptor colorAttachments view undefined asign later in frame loadOp clear clearValue r 0 0 g 0 5 b 0 5 a 1 0 storeOp store function frame timestep 0 0 01 device queue writeBuffer timerUniformBuffer 0 timestep renderPassDescriptor colorAttachments 0 view context getCurrentTexture createView const commandEncoder device createCommandEncoder const renderPass commandEncoder beginRenderPass renderPassDescriptor renderPass setPipeline pipeline renderPass setBindGroup 0 uniformBindGroup renderPass draw 4 1 0 0 renderPass end device queue submit commandEncoder finish if you want constant updates animated keep refreshing requestAnimationFrame frame frame console log ready
let textureSampler device createSampler minFilter linear magFilter linear const img document createElement img img src https notebook xbdev net var images test512 png await img decode const basicTexture device createTexture size img width img height 1 format presentationFormat bgra8unorm rgba8unorm usage 0x2 0x4 GPUTextureUsage COPY_DST GPUTextureUsage TEXTURE_BINDING const imageCanvas document createElement canvas imageCanvas width img width imageCanvas height img height const imageCanvasContext imageCanvas getContext 2d imageCanvasContext drawImage img 0 0 imageCanvas width imageCanvas height const imageData imageCanvasContext getImageData 0 0 imageCanvas width imageCanvas height let textureData new Uint8Array img width img height 4 for let x 0 x img width img height 4 x textureData x imageData data x device queue writeTexture texture basicTexture textureData offset 0 bytesPerRow img width 4 rowsPerImage img height img width img height 1 const timerUniformBuffer device createBuffer size 4 usage GPUBufferUsage UNIFORM GPUBufferUsage COPY_DST const timestep new Float32Array 3 14 device queue writeBuffer timerUniformBuffer 0 timestep const sceneUniformBindGroupLayout device createBindGroupLayout entries binding 0 visibility GPUShaderStage FRAGMENT sampler type filtering binding 1 visibility GPUShaderStage FRAGMENT texture sampleType float viewDimension 2d binding 2 visibility GPUShaderStage FRAGMENT buffer type uniform const uniformBindGroup device createBindGroup layout sceneUniformBindGroupLayout entries binding 0 resource textureSampler binding 1 resource basicTexture createView binding 2 resource buffer timerUniformBuffer const pipeline device createRenderPipeline layout device createPipelineLayout bindGroupLayouts sceneUniformBindGroupLayout vertex module device createShaderModule code vertWGSL entryPoint main fragment module device createShaderModule code fragWGSL entryPoint main targets format presentationFormat primitive topology triangle strip frontFace ccw cullMode back stripIndexFormat uint32 GPURenderPassDescriptor const renderPassDescriptor colorAttachments view undefined asign later in frame loadOp clear clearValue r 0 0 g 0 5 b 0 5 a 1 0 storeOp store function frame timestep 0 0 01 device queue writeBuffer timerUniformBuffer 0 timestep renderPassDescriptor colorAttachments 0 view context getCurrentTexture createView const commandEncoder device createCommandEncoder const renderPass commandEncoder beginRenderPass renderPassDescriptor renderPass setPipeline pipeline renderPass setBindGroup 0 uniformBindGroup renderPass draw 4 1 0 0 renderPass end device queue submit commandEncoder finish if you want constant updates animated keep refreshing requestAnimationFrame frame frame console log ready