script src https code jquery com jquery 3 5 0 js script script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v3 min js script style axis path axis line fill none stroke black shape rendering crispEdges axis text font family sans serif font size 10px timeline label font family sans serif font size 12px timeline2 axis transform translate 0px 40px ms transform translate 0px 40px IE 9 webkit transform translate 0px 40px Safari and Chrome o transform translate 0px 40px Opera moz transform translate 0px 40px Firefox coloredDiv height 20px width 20px float left style div h3 A simple timeline h3 div id timeline1 div div div h3 A simple timeline without Axis h3 div id timeline1_noaxis div div div h3 It works with circles too h3 div id timeline2 div div div h3 Combine circles and rectangles h3 div id timeline2_combine div div div h3 A stacked timeline with hover click and scroll events h3 div id timeline3 div div id hoverRes div class coloredDiv div div id name div div id scrolled_date div div div div h3 We can also use icons h3 div id timeline5 div div div h3 We can change colors and put labels h3 div id timeline6 div div div h3 We can also rotate tick mark labels h3 div id timeline7 div div div h3 A timeline with colors mapped from the data h3 div id timelineColors div div div h3 A timeline with colors mapped from the data for individual time objects h3 div id timelineColorsPerTime div div div h3 A timeline with relative timepoints h3 div width 100 id timelineRelativeTime div div div h3 A stacked timeline with axis on top h3 div width 100 id timelineAxisTop div div div h3 A stacked timeline with backgrounds h3 div width 100 id timelineBgnd div div div h3 A stacked timeline with backgrounds and ticks h3 div width 100 id timelineBgndTick div div div h3 A complex timeline h3 div width 100 id timelineComplex div div script function d3 timeline function var DISPLAY_TYPES circle rect var hover function mouseover function mouseout function click function scroll function labelFunction function label return label navigateLeft function navigateRight function orient bottom width null height null rowSeparatorsColor null backgroundColor null tickFormat format d3 time format I p tickTime d3 time hours tickInterval 1 tickSize 6 tickValues null colorCycle d3 scale category20 colorPropertyName null display rect beginning 0 labelMargin 0 ending 0 margin left 30 right 30 top 30 bottom 30 stacked false rotateTicks false timeIsRelative false fullLengthBackgrounds false itemHeight 20 itemMargin 5 navMargin 60 showTimeAxis true showAxisTop false showTodayLine false timeAxisTick false timeAxisTickFormat stroke stroke dasharray spacing 4 10 showTodayFormat marginTop 25 marginBottom 0 width 1 color colorCycle showBorderLine false showBorderFormat marginTop 25 marginBottom 0 width 1 color colorCycle showAxisHeaderBackground false showAxisNav false showAxisCalendarYear false axisBgColor white chartData var appendTimeAxis function g xAxis yPosition if showAxisHeaderBackground appendAxisHeaderBackground g 0 0 if showAxisNav appendTimeAxisNav g var axis g append g attr class axis attr transform translate 0 yPosition call xAxis var appendTimeAxisCalendarYear function nav var calendarLabel beginning getFullYear if beginning getFullYear ending getFullYear calendarLabel beginning getFullYear ending getFullYear nav append text attr transform translate 20 0 attr x 0 attr y 14 attr class calendarYear text calendarLabel var appendTimeAxisNav function g var timelineBlocks 6 var leftNavMargin margin left navMargin var incrementValue width margin left timelineBlocks var rightNavMargin width margin right incrementValue navMargin var nav g append g attr class axis attr transform translate 0 20 if showAxisCalendarYear appendTimeAxisCalendarYear nav nav append text attr transform translate leftNavMargin 0 attr x 0 attr y 14 attr class chevron text on click function return navigateLeft beginning chartData nav append text attr transform translate rightNavMargin 0 attr x 0 attr y 14 attr class chevron text on click function return navigateRight ending chartData var appendAxisHeaderBackground function g xAxis yAxis g insert rect attr class row green bar attr x xAxis attr width width attr y yAxis attr height itemHeight attr fill axisBgColor var appendTimeAxisTick function g xAxis maxStack g append g attr class axis attr transform translate 0 margin top itemHeight itemMargin maxStack attr timeAxisTickFormat stroke timeAxisTickFormat spacing call xAxis tickFormat tickSize margin top itemHeight itemMargin maxStack 1 3 0 0 var appendBackgroundBar function yAxisMapping index g data datum var greenbarYAxis itemHeight itemMargin yAxisMapping index margin top g selectAll svg data data enter insert rect attr class row green bar attr x fullLengthBackgrounds 0 margin left attr width fullLengthBackgrounds width width margin right margin left attr y greenbarYAxis attr height itemHeight attr fill backgroundColor instanceof Function backgroundColor datum index backgroundColor var appendLabel function gParent yAxisMapping index hasLabel datum var fullItemHeight itemHeight itemMargin var rowsDown margin top fullItemHeight 2 fullItemHeight yAxisMapping index 1 gParent append text attr class timeline label attr transform translate labelMargin rowsDown text hasLabel labelFunction datum label datum id on click function d i click d index datum function timeline gParent var g gParent append g var gParentSize gParent 0 0 getBoundingClientRect var gParentItem d3 select gParent 0 0 var yAxisMapping maxStack 1 minTime 0 maxTime 0 setWidth check if the user wants relative time if so substract the first timestamp from each subsequent timestamps if timeIsRelative g each function d i d forEach function datum index datum times forEach function time j if index 0 j 0 originTime time starting_time Store the timestamp that will serve as origin time starting_time 0 Set the origin time ending_time time ending_time originTime Store the relative time millis else time starting_time time starting_time originTime time ending_time time ending_time originTime check how many stacks we re gonna need do this here so that we can draw the axis before the graph if stacked ending 0 beginning 0 g each function d i d forEach function datum index create y mapping for stacked graph if stacked Object keys yAxisMapping indexOf index 1 yAxisMapping index maxStack maxStack figure out beginning and ending times if they are unspecified datum times forEach function time i if beginning 0 if time starting_time minTime minTime 0 timeIsRelative false minTime time starting_time if ending 0 if time ending_time maxTime maxTime time ending_time if ending 0 ending maxTime if beginning 0 beginning minTime var scaleFactor 1 ending beginning width margin left margin right draw the axis var xScale d3 time scale domain beginning ending range margin left width margin right var xAxis d3 svg axis scale xScale orient orient tickFormat tickFormat format tickSize tickFormat tickSize if tickFormat tickValues null xAxis tickValues tickFormat tickValues else xAxis ticks tickFormat numTicks tickFormat tickTime tickFormat tickInterval draw the chart g each function d i chartData d d forEach function datum index var data datum times var hasLabel typeof datum label undefined issue warning about using id per data set Ids should be individual to data elements if typeof datum id undefined console warn d3Timeline Warning Ids per dataset is deprecated in favor of a class key Ids are now per data element if backgroundColor appendBackgroundBar yAxisMapping index g data datum g selectAll svg data data enter append function d i return document createElementNS d3 ns prefix svg display in d d display display attr x getXPos attr y getStackPosition attr width function d i return d ending_time d starting_time scaleFactor attr cy function d i return getStackPosition d i itemHeight 2 attr cx getXPos attr r itemHeight 2 attr height itemHeight style fill function d i var dColorPropName if d color return d color if colorPropertyName dColorPropName d colorPropertyName if dColorPropName return colorCycle dColorPropName else return colorCycle datum colorPropertyName return colorCycle index on mousemove function d i hover d index datum on mouseover function d i mouseover d i datum on mouseout function d i mouseout d i datum on click function d i click d index datum attr class function d i return datum class timelineSeries_ datum class timelineSeries_ index attr id function d i use deprecated id field if datum id d id return timelineItem_ datum id return d id d id timelineItem_ index _ i g selectAll svg data data enter append text attr x getXTextPos attr y getStackTextPosition text function d return d label if rowSeparatorsColor var lineYAxis itemHeight itemMargin 2 margin top itemHeight itemMargin yAxisMapping index gParent append svg line attr class row separator attr x1 0 margin left attr x2 width margin right attr y1 lineYAxis attr y2 lineYAxis attr stroke width 1 attr stroke rowSeparatorsColor add the label if hasLabel appendLabel gParent yAxisMapping index hasLabel datum if typeof datum icon undefined gParent append image attr class timeline label attr transform translate 0 margin top itemHeight itemMargin yAxisMapping index attr xlink href datum icon attr width margin left attr height itemHeight function getStackPosition d i if stacked return margin top itemHeight itemMargin yAxisMapping index return margin top function getStackTextPosition d i if stacked return margin top itemHeight itemMargin yAxisMapping index itemHeight 0 75 return margin top itemHeight 0 75 var belowLastItem margin top itemHeight itemMargin maxStack var aboveFirstItem margin top var timeAxisYPosition showAxisTop aboveFirstItem belowLastItem if showTimeAxis appendTimeAxis g xAxis timeAxisYPosition if timeAxisTick appendTimeAxisTick g xAxis maxStack if width gParentSize width var move function var x Math min 0 Math max gParentSize width width d3 event translate 0 zoom translate x 0 g attr transform translate x 0 scroll x scaleFactor xScale var zoom d3 behavior zoom x xScale on zoom move gParent attr class scrollable call zoom if rotateTicks g selectAll tick text attr transform function d return rotate rotateTicks translate this getBBox width 2 10 TODO change this 10 this getBBox height 2 var gSize g 0 0 getBoundingClientRect setHeight if showBorderLine g each function d i d forEach function datum var times datum times times forEach function time appendLine xScale time starting_time showBorderFormat appendLine xScale time ending_time showBorderFormat if showTodayLine var todayLine xScale new Date appendLine todayLine showTodayFormat function getXPos d i return margin left d starting_time beginning scaleFactor function getXTextPos d i return margin left d starting_time beginning scaleFactor 5 function setHeight if height gParentItem attr height if itemHeight set height based off of item height height gSize height gSize top gParentSize top set bounding rectangle height d3 select gParent 0 0 attr height height else throw height of the timeline is not set else if height height gParentItem attr height else gParentItem attr height height function setWidth if width gParentSize width try width gParentItem attr width if width throw width of the timeline is not set As of Firefox 27 timeline with x needs to be explicitly set in order to render catch err console log err else if width gParentSize width try width gParentItem attr width catch err console log err if both are set do nothing function appendLine lineScale lineFormat gParent append svg line attr x1 lineScale attr y1 lineFormat marginTop attr x2 lineScale attr y2 height lineFormat marginBottom style stroke lineFormat color rgb 6 120 155 style stroke width lineFormat width SETTINGS timeline margin function p if arguments length return margin margin p return timeline timeline orient function orientation if arguments length return orient orient orientation return timeline timeline itemHeight function h if arguments length return itemHeight itemHeight h return timeline timeline itemMargin function h if arguments length return itemMargin itemMargin h return timeline timeline navMargin function h if arguments length return navMargin navMargin h return timeline timeline height function h if arguments length return height height h return timeline timeline width function w if arguments length return width width w return timeline timeline display function displayType if arguments length DISPLAY_TYPES indexOf displayType 1 return display display displayType return timeline timeline labelFormat function f if arguments length return labelFunction labelFunction f return timeline timeline tickFormat function format if arguments length return tickFormat tickFormat format return timeline timeline hover function hoverFunc if arguments length return hover hover hoverFunc return timeline timeline mouseover function mouseoverFunc if arguments length return mouseover mouseover mouseoverFunc return timeline timeline mouseout function mouseoutFunc if arguments length return mouseout mouseout mouseoutFunc return timeline timeline click function clickFunc if arguments length return click click clickFunc return timeline timeline scroll function scrollFunc if arguments length return scroll scroll scrollFunc return timeline timeline colors function colorFormat if arguments length return colorCycle colorCycle colorFormat return timeline timeline beginning function b if arguments length return beginning beginning b return timeline timeline ending function e if arguments length return ending ending e return timeline timeline labelMargin function m if arguments length return labelMargin labelMargin m return timeline timeline rotateTicks function degrees if arguments length return rotateTicks rotateTicks degrees return timeline timeline stack function stacked stacked return timeline timeline relativeTime function timeIsRelative timeIsRelative return timeline timeline showBorderLine function showBorderLine showBorderLine return timeline timeline showBorderFormat function borderFormat if arguments length return showBorderFormat showBorderFormat borderFormat return timeline timeline showToday function showTodayLine showTodayLine return timeline timeline showTodayFormat function todayFormat if arguments length return showTodayFormat showTodayFormat todayFormat return timeline timeline colorProperty function colorProp if arguments length return colorPropertyName colorPropertyName colorProp return timeline timeline rowSeparators function color if arguments length return rowSeparatorsColor rowSeparatorsColor color return timeline timeline background function color if arguments length return backgroundColor backgroundColor color return timeline timeline showTimeAxis function showTimeAxis showTimeAxis return timeline timeline showAxisTop function showAxisTop showAxisTop return timeline timeline showAxisCalendarYear function showAxisCalendarYear showAxisCalendarYear return timeline timeline showTimeAxisTick function timeAxisTick timeAxisTick return timeline timeline fullLengthBackgrounds function fullLengthBackgrounds fullLengthBackgrounds return timeline timeline showTimeAxisTickFormat function format if arguments length return timeAxisTickFormat timeAxisTickFormat format return timeline timeline showAxisHeaderBackground function bgColor showAxisHeaderBackground showAxisHeaderBackground if bgColor axisBgColor bgColor return timeline timeline navigate function navigateBackwards navigateForwards if arguments length return navigateLeft navigateRight navigateLeft navigateBackwards navigateRight navigateForwards showAxisNav showAxisNav return timeline return timeline console log var testData times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var rectAndCircleTestData times starting_time 1355752800000 display circle starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 times starting_time 1355759910000 display circle times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var labelTestData label person a times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 label person b times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 label person c times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var iconTestData class jackie icon https notebook xbdev net var images jackie png times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 class troll icon https notebook xbdev net var images troll png times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 display circle class wat icon https notebook xbdev net var images wat png times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var labelColorTestData label person a times color green label Weeee starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 color blue label Weeee starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 label person b times color pink label Weeee starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 label person c times color yellow label Weeee starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var testDataWithColor label fruit 1 fruit orange times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 label fruit 2 fruit apple times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 label fruit3 fruit lemon times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var testDataWithColorPerTime label fruit 2 fruit apple times fruit orange starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 fruit lemon starting_time 1355774400000 ending_time 1355775500000 var testDataRelative times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var width 500 function timelineRect var chart d3 timeline var svg d3 select timeline1 append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineRectNoAxis var chart d3 timeline showTimeAxis var svg d3 select timeline1_noaxis append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineCircle var chart d3 timeline tickFormat format d3 time format I p tickTime d3 time hours tickInterval 1 tickSize 30 display circle toggle between rectangles and circles var svg d3 select timeline2 append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineRectAndCircle var chart d3 timeline var svg d3 select timeline2_combine append svg attr width width datum rectAndCircleTestData call chart function timelineHover var chart d3 timeline width width 4 stack margin left 70 right 30 top 0 bottom 0 hover function d i datum d is the current rendering object i is the index during d3 rendering datum is the id object var div hoverRes var colors chart colors div find coloredDiv css background color colors i div find name text datum label click function d i datum alert datum label scroll function x scale scrolled_date text scale invert x to scale invert x width var svg d3 select timeline3 append svg attr width width datum labelTestData call chart function timelineStackedIcons var chart d3 timeline beginning 1355752800000 we can optionally add beginning and ending times to speed up rendering a little ending 1355774400000 showTimeAxisTick toggles tick marks stack toggles graph stacking margin left 70 right 30 top 0 bottom 0 var svg d3 select timeline5 append svg attr width width datum iconTestData call chart function timelineLabelColor var chart d3 timeline beginning 1355752800000 we can optionally add beginning and ending times to speed up rendering a little ending 1355774400000 stack toggles graph stacking margin left 70 right 30 top 0 bottom 0 var svg d3 select timeline6 append svg attr width width datum labelColorTestData call chart function timelineRotatedTicks var chart d3 timeline rotateTicks 45 var svg d3 select timeline7 append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineRectColors var colorScale d3 scale ordinal range 6b0000 ef9b0f ffee00 domain apple orange lemon var chart d3 timeline colors colorScale colorProperty fruit var svg d3 select timelineColors append svg attr width width datum testDataWithColor call chart function timelineRectColorsPerTime var colorScale d3 scale ordinal range 6b0000 ef9b0f ffee00 domain apple orange lemon var chart d3 timeline colors colorScale colorProperty fruit var svg d3 select timelineColorsPerTime append svg attr width width datum testDataWithColorPerTime call chart function timelineRelativeTime This solution is for relative time is from http stackoverflow com questions 11286872 how do i make a custom axis formatter for hours minutes in d3 js var chart d3 timeline relativeTime tickFormat format function d return d3 time format H M d tickTime d3 time minutes tickInterval 30 tickSize 15 var svg d3 select timelineRelativeTime append svg attr width width datum testDataRelative call chart console log testDataRelative function timelineAxisTop var chart d3 timeline showAxisTop stack var svg d3 select timelineAxisTop append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineBgndTick var chart d3 timeline stack showTimeAxisTick background grey var svg d3 select timelineBgndTick append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineBgnd var chart d3 timeline stack background grey var svg d3 select timelineBgnd append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineComplex var chart d3 timeline chart stack chart showTimeAxisTick chart showAxisTop chart showToday chart itemHeight 50 chart margin left 250 right 0 top 20 bottom 0 chart itemMargin 0 chart labelMargin 25 var backgroundColor FCFCFD var altBackgroundColor red chart background function datum i var odd i 2 0 return odd altBackgroundColor backgroundColor chart fullLengthBackgrounds var svg d3 select timelineComplex append svg attr width width datum labelTestData call chart timelineRect timelineRectNoAxis timelineCircle timelineRectAndCircle timelineHover timelineStackedIcons timelineLabelColor timelineRotatedTicks timelineRectColors timelineRectColorsPerTime timelineRelativeTime timelineAxisTop timelineBgndTick timelineBgnd timelineComplex script
if itemHeight set height based off of item height height gSize height gSize top gParentSize top set bounding rectangle height d3 select gParent 0 0 attr height height else throw height of the timeline is not set else if height height gParentItem attr height else gParentItem attr height height function setWidth if width gParentSize width try width gParentItem attr width if width throw width of the timeline is not set As of Firefox 27 timeline with x needs to be explicitly set in order to render catch err console log err else if width gParentSize width try width gParentItem attr width catch err console log err if both are set do nothing function appendLine lineScale lineFormat gParent append svg line attr x1 lineScale attr y1 lineFormat marginTop attr x2 lineScale attr y2 height lineFormat marginBottom style stroke lineFormat color rgb 6 120 155 style stroke width lineFormat width SETTINGS timeline margin function p if arguments length return margin margin p return timeline timeline orient function orientation if arguments length return orient orient orientation return timeline timeline itemHeight function h if arguments length return itemHeight itemHeight h return timeline timeline itemMargin function h if arguments length return itemMargin itemMargin h return timeline timeline navMargin function h if arguments length return navMargin navMargin h return timeline timeline height function h if arguments length return height height h return timeline timeline width function w if arguments length return width width w return timeline timeline display function displayType if arguments length DISPLAY_TYPES indexOf displayType 1 return display display displayType return timeline timeline labelFormat function f if arguments length return labelFunction labelFunction f return timeline timeline tickFormat function format if arguments length return tickFormat tickFormat format return timeline timeline hover function hoverFunc if arguments length return hover hover hoverFunc return timeline timeline mouseover function mouseoverFunc if arguments length return mouseover mouseover mouseoverFunc return timeline timeline mouseout function mouseoutFunc if arguments length return mouseout mouseout mouseoutFunc return timeline timeline click function clickFunc if arguments length return click click clickFunc return timeline timeline scroll function scrollFunc if arguments length return scroll scroll scrollFunc return timeline timeline colors function colorFormat if arguments length return colorCycle colorCycle colorFormat return timeline timeline beginning function b if arguments length return beginning beginning b return timeline timeline ending function e if arguments length return ending ending e return timeline timeline labelMargin function m if arguments length return labelMargin labelMargin m return timeline timeline rotateTicks function degrees if arguments length return rotateTicks rotateTicks degrees return timeline timeline stack function stacked stacked return timeline timeline relativeTime function timeIsRelative timeIsRelative return timeline timeline showBorderLine function showBorderLine showBorderLine return timeline timeline showBorderFormat function borderFormat if arguments length return showBorderFormat showBorderFormat borderFormat return timeline timeline showToday function showTodayLine showTodayLine return timeline timeline showTodayFormat function todayFormat if arguments length return showTodayFormat showTodayFormat todayFormat return timeline timeline colorProperty function colorProp if arguments length return colorPropertyName colorPropertyName colorProp return timeline timeline rowSeparators function color if arguments length return rowSeparatorsColor rowSeparatorsColor color return timeline timeline background function color if arguments length return backgroundColor backgroundColor color return timeline timeline showTimeAxis function showTimeAxis showTimeAxis return timeline timeline showAxisTop function showAxisTop showAxisTop return timeline timeline showAxisCalendarYear function showAxisCalendarYear showAxisCalendarYear return timeline timeline showTimeAxisTick function timeAxisTick timeAxisTick return timeline timeline fullLengthBackgrounds function fullLengthBackgrounds fullLengthBackgrounds return timeline timeline showTimeAxisTickFormat function format if arguments length return timeAxisTickFormat timeAxisTickFormat format return timeline timeline showAxisHeaderBackground function bgColor showAxisHeaderBackground showAxisHeaderBackground if bgColor axisBgColor bgColor return timeline timeline navigate function navigateBackwards navigateForwards if arguments length return navigateLeft navigateRight navigateLeft navigateBackwards navigateRight navigateForwards showAxisNav showAxisNav return timeline return timeline console log var testData times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var rectAndCircleTestData times starting_time 1355752800000 display circle starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 times starting_time 1355759910000 display circle times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var labelTestData label person a times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 label person b times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 label person c times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var iconTestData class jackie icon https notebook xbdev net var images jackie png times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 class troll icon https notebook xbdev net var images troll png times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 display circle class wat icon https notebook xbdev net var images wat png times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var labelColorTestData label person a times color green label Weeee starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 color blue label Weeee starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 label person b times color pink label Weeee starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 label person c times color yellow label Weeee starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var testDataWithColor label fruit 1 fruit orange times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 label fruit 2 fruit apple times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 label fruit3 fruit lemon times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var testDataWithColorPerTime label fruit 2 fruit apple times fruit orange starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 fruit lemon starting_time 1355774400000 ending_time 1355775500000 var testDataRelative times starting_time 1355752800000 ending_time 1355759900000 starting_time 1355767900000 ending_time 1355774400000 times starting_time 1355759910000 ending_time 1355761900000 times starting_time 1355761910000 ending_time 1355763910000 var width 500 function timelineRect var chart d3 timeline var svg d3 select timeline1 append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineRectNoAxis var chart d3 timeline showTimeAxis var svg d3 select timeline1_noaxis append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineCircle var chart d3 timeline tickFormat format d3 time format I p tickTime d3 time hours tickInterval 1 tickSize 30 display circle toggle between rectangles and circles var svg d3 select timeline2 append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineRectAndCircle var chart d3 timeline var svg d3 select timeline2_combine append svg attr width width datum rectAndCircleTestData call chart function timelineHover var chart d3 timeline width width 4 stack margin left 70 right 30 top 0 bottom 0 hover function d i datum d is the current rendering object i is the index during d3 rendering datum is the id object var div hoverRes var colors chart colors div find coloredDiv css background color colors i div find name text datum label click function d i datum alert datum label scroll function x scale scrolled_date text scale invert x to scale invert x width var svg d3 select timeline3 append svg attr width width datum labelTestData call chart function timelineStackedIcons var chart d3 timeline beginning 1355752800000 we can optionally add beginning and ending times to speed up rendering a little ending 1355774400000 showTimeAxisTick toggles tick marks stack toggles graph stacking margin left 70 right 30 top 0 bottom 0 var svg d3 select timeline5 append svg attr width width datum iconTestData call chart function timelineLabelColor var chart d3 timeline beginning 1355752800000 we can optionally add beginning and ending times to speed up rendering a little ending 1355774400000 stack toggles graph stacking margin left 70 right 30 top 0 bottom 0 var svg d3 select timeline6 append svg attr width width datum labelColorTestData call chart function timelineRotatedTicks var chart d3 timeline rotateTicks 45 var svg d3 select timeline7 append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineRectColors var colorScale d3 scale ordinal range 6b0000 ef9b0f ffee00 domain apple orange lemon var chart d3 timeline colors colorScale colorProperty fruit var svg d3 select timelineColors append svg attr width width datum testDataWithColor call chart function timelineRectColorsPerTime var colorScale d3 scale ordinal range 6b0000 ef9b0f ffee00 domain apple orange lemon var chart d3 timeline colors colorScale colorProperty fruit var svg d3 select timelineColorsPerTime append svg attr width width datum testDataWithColorPerTime call chart function timelineRelativeTime This solution is for relative time is from http stackoverflow com questions 11286872 how do i make a custom axis formatter for hours minutes in d3 js var chart d3 timeline relativeTime tickFormat format function d return d3 time format H M d tickTime d3 time minutes tickInterval 30 tickSize 15 var svg d3 select timelineRelativeTime append svg attr width width datum testDataRelative call chart console log testDataRelative function timelineAxisTop var chart d3 timeline showAxisTop stack var svg d3 select timelineAxisTop append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineBgndTick var chart d3 timeline stack showTimeAxisTick background grey var svg d3 select timelineBgndTick append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineBgnd var chart d3 timeline stack background grey var svg d3 select timelineBgnd append svg attr width width datum testData call chart function timelineComplex var chart d3 timeline chart stack chart showTimeAxisTick chart showAxisTop chart showToday chart itemHeight 50 chart margin left 250 right 0 top 20 bottom 0 chart itemMargin 0 chart labelMargin 25 var backgroundColor FCFCFD var altBackgroundColor red chart background function datum i var odd i 2 0 return odd altBackgroundColor backgroundColor chart fullLengthBackgrounds var svg d3 select timelineComplex append svg attr width width datum labelTestData call chart timelineRect timelineRectNoAxis timelineCircle timelineRectAndCircle timelineHover timelineStackedIcons timelineLabelColor timelineRotatedTicks timelineRectColors timelineRectColorsPerTime timelineRelativeTime timelineAxisTop timelineBgndTick timelineBgnd timelineComplex script