D3 SVG Transforms The ability to transform SVG graphics enable you to manipulate elements on a higher level such as scaling rotating skewing and translating Introduction to SVG Transforms SVG transforms are set through the transform attribute The various transform options available include Rotation takes three options which refer to the position of rotation cx and cy and the angle If cx and cy are not specified the position of rotation is taken to be the origin of the shape that is the centre transform rotate 60 Translation takes two options the translation along the x and y axis The the options are referred to as tx and ty transform translate 20 50 Scale takes to options for the scaling along the x and y axis The options are sx and sy Skew skew is made of seperate SkewX and SkewY The skew option is a single number which refers to the skew angle transform skewx 10 Importantly the different transforms can be combined to form more complex transformations Also the order the transforms are conncatenated matters e g translation then rotation is not the same as rotation then translation HTML SVG Transform Examples Rotation Create a simple SVG rectangle and rotate it about 20 degrees DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 50pt svg width 100 height 100 rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue transform rotate 20 rect svg script script body html Translation Create a simple SVG rectangle and translate it by 20 pixels along the x axis and 10 pixels along the y axis Note if you translate the shape too far e g translate by 100 along the x axis it will leave the SVG container region and be clipped i e you won t see the rectangle DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 50pt svg width 100 height 100 rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue transform translate 20 10 rect svg script script body html Scale Create a simple SVG rectangle and scale it along the x and y axis DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt svg width 100 height 100 rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue transform scale 1 3 rect svg script script body html Groups SVG elements can be grouped together using the g tag They essentially become a single shape that can be manipulated as one object So instead of manipulating lots of individual SVG elements a single group can be manipulated g rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue rect rect x 160 y 10 width 20 height 10 fill green rect g You re able to apply transforms to groups and the transforms are applied to all of the contained elements DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt svg width 100 height 100 g transform scale 1 1 original group rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue rect circle cx 10 cy 10 r 10 fill red g g transform scale 1 3 create copy but transform the group rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue rect circle cx 10 cy 10 r 10 fill red g svg script script body html D3 SVG Transforms To apply a transform to one or more SVG elements with D3 you simply select the items for example using their tag name or ids You then set their transform attribute DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt svg width 200 height 200 svg script d3 select svg append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill green attr transform rotate 10 script body html DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt script d3 select body append svg attr width 300 attr height 300 append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill green attr transform rotate 10 script body html DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt script let svg d3 select body append svg attr width 300 attr height 300 let group svg append g attr transform translate 30 50 rotate 20 truncate transforms group append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill green group append circle attr cx 5 attr cy 5 attr r 30 attr fill blue script body html D3 Transform Library Due to the modular nature of D3 it also provides a seperate library to manage transform attributes The D3 transform library has methods for all types of transformations Some of the methods include transform translate scale and rotate To use the D3 transform library you need to include the d3 transform JavaScript library DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script script type text javascript src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs d3 transform 1 0 4 d3 transform min js script head body style height 100pt script let svg d3 select body append svg attr width 300 attr height 300 let d3t d3Transform translate 20 10 scale 0 5 1 rotate 10 svg append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill pink attr transform d3t script body html To use the d3 transform you 1 include the JavaScript module d3 transform js or minimized version d3 transform min js 2 you construct a transform using the d3Transform method chain individual transforms onto the end 3 you apply the transform to the SVG by attaching the result from the d3Transform to the graphical element
circle cx 10 cy 10 r 10 fill red g g transform scale 1 3 create copy but transform the group rect x 60 y 20 width 40 height 10 fill blue rect circle cx 10 cy 10 r 10 fill red g svg script script body html D3 SVG Transforms To apply a transform to one or more SVG elements with D3 you simply select the items for example using their tag name or ids You then set their transform attribute DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt svg width 200 height 200 svg script d3 select svg append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill green attr transform rotate 10 script body html DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt script d3 select body append svg attr width 300 attr height 300 append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill green attr transform rotate 10 script body html DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script head body style height 100pt script let svg d3 select body append svg attr width 300 attr height 300 let group svg append g attr transform translate 30 50 rotate 20 truncate transforms group append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill green group append circle attr cx 5 attr cy 5 attr r 30 attr fill blue script body html D3 Transform Library Due to the modular nature of D3 it also provides a seperate library to manage transform attributes The D3 transform library has methods for all types of transformations Some of the methods include transform translate scale and rotate To use the D3 transform library you need to include the d3 transform JavaScript library DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https d3js org d3 v7 min js script script type text javascript src https cdnjs cloudflare com ajax libs d3 transform 1 0 4 d3 transform min js script head body style height 100pt script let svg d3 select body append svg attr width 300 attr height 300 let d3t d3Transform translate 20 10 scale 0 5 1 rotate 10 svg append rect attr x 30 attr y 20 attr width 100 attr height 50 attr fill pink attr transform d3t script body html To use the d3 transform you 1 include the JavaScript module d3 transform js or minimized version d3 transform min js 2 you construct a transform using the d3Transform method chain individual transforms onto the end 3 you apply the transform to the SVG by attaching the result from the d3Transform to the graphical element