DOCTYPE html html head title TagCanvas example title script src https www2 macs hw ac uk bk42 notebook tagcanvas js type text javascript script script type text javascript window onload function try TagCanvas Start myCanvas tags textColour 0000ff outlineColour ff00ff reverse true depth 0 8 maxSpeed 0 05 catch e something went wrong hide the canvas container document getElementById myCanvasContainer style display none script style document body style height 200pt style head body h1 TagCanvas example page h1 div id myCanvasContainer canvas width 300 height 300 id myCanvas p Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element p canvas div div id tags ul li a href http www google com target _blank Google a li li a href fish Fish a li li a href chips Chips a li li a href salt Salt a li li a href vinegar Vinegar a li li a href cats Cats a li li a href cats Chickens a li li a href cats World a li li a href fun Fun a li ul div body html
body h1 TagCanvas example page h1 div id myCanvasContainer canvas width 300 height 300 id myCanvas p Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element p canvas div div id tags ul li a href http www google com target _blank Google a li li a href fish Fish a li li a href chips Chips a li li a href salt Salt a li li a href vinegar Vinegar a li li a href cats Cats a li li a href cats Chickens a li li a href cats World a li li a href fun Fun a li ul div body html